Monday, August 31, 2015

Night out with WWE Live, New things for Pampers and Pearls, and possibly a working mom.? YASS!

Hello my lovelies!

Sorry things have been completely hectic for the past couple days! I know I went a little ghost on you guys for a day or 2. Been working on some great new stuff coming to you guys really soon, and by soon I mean in the next month to month and a half if not sooner!

First lets start with the best thing ever!

Pampers and Pearls will be selling awesome new homemade products. There will be a "jackpot" note in 1 of every item every month to get a freebie of your choice. There will be mini/travel Items and full size items. Among these awesome items, there will also be items for the little ones and even the furbabies in your life! All these items will be made with essential oils, which in my opinion is the most amazing thing ever to this planet. They really help with so much. I never used to be a essential oil person until I became a Massage Therapy and Esthetics student at Aveda here. We used it a lot in our facials and massages and the powers they have are almost magical! I was a definitely believer.

I am so ready for this to be started. I have been thinking and planning this out for a long time and getting things together. All these items that I sell will be reviewed by me and the family

On to the next thing


Me and the hubby had a night out on Sunday night. It had been a couple months since we last went out and it was really for only an hour or 2. My husband got us some WWE Live tickets, which is what I told him I really wanted to go to. One of the perks to working for the company we work for is when we wear our uniform we are able to go and escape the crowd by going to down into our office, which so happens to be where all the famous people walk around, so before it even started they worked a little bit and we chilled in the office where all the wrestlers were just walking around. It was so awesome! One of my favorites Natalya aka Nattie, you know her from Total Divas TV show which is based around the women of the WWE. She walked up to the door across from where we were standing, she was waiting to be introduced to a bunch of fans to do a little Q & A. She looked around and we caught eyes and shared a smile. I absolutely love her. She is so sweet and more gorgeous in person then she is on TV. It could have been my shot to get a selfie but both of us was working and I was trying to be professional. I did of course regret not taking that opportunity, I did though get pictures of the matches. (I am sorry for the quality you guys I know I really need to get a better camera, that will be also happening in then next month or so. Just bear with me)

It was great. I know a lot of you guys are like "there is not way I am paying for tickets to see that fake crap." I know its fake but it was really fun, really awesome. It's a place you can blow some steam off, yell a little bit and drink a beer (if your of age). Also a great place to take your older kids. The kids really enjoy it. Yes I know its condoning violence but if you reassure your kids that this is fake they are like actors. The fights are staged and rehearsed, no one is actually trying to hurt the other one.

It was a great all the way around. My first time and the hubby's first time every going to a WWE, I know it wont be our last. Of course we had to leave early due to kids not cooperating with my mom.

Last thing

I had a job interview. If you you haven not read my post  College and Babies, I went to a college that was strictly an off campus college. I did everything from home, even had my books sent to me, exams were on line, my project was sent via PDF file attachment sent to my professor. I finally was given a chance today by one of our hospitals, to show what I had learned and put it to good use. I had an interview today and I am most confident it went better then I planned it. The ladies were so nice and so sweet. As soon as they came through the door they gave me a vibe that just instantly relaxed me.

Of course I still don't know if I have a job or not yet. I want to give a couple of pointers for the mommies out there. I have little job experience and this is the first time I have ever done the interview process. Normally I have jobs handed to me because my husband knew the people or it was the company my dad worked for or owned. So this was the first time ever I was able to do this on my own, and do an interview.

What they loved the most about me was they loved most and got complimented on was that I was prepared. I came with note cards that had my select questions on them. My interview took an hour, which is a great sign right there, if they don't like you they cut you short most of the time. The questions I asked them were:

  1. What is a day in the life of this job position like.? 
  2. What are the most important key goals that this certain job position should focus on in the first 30 days to a year.? 
  3. What are the 1 year goals this company has.? 
  4. What are the 5 year goals this company has.? 
  5. If hired, how could I help accomplish these goals from this job position.?
  6. What are the qualities you are looking for to be successful in this job position.?
  7. What is the career path for this job within the company.? 
  8. Do you have any reservations about my fit for this certain job.? 
I was told this was some of the best questions she has heard of. The interview was a lot less complicated then I thought, but I also prepared for the worst. I stayed positive. I am still positive. I know that this job is mine since I got the call. I also went in there with a huge genuine "I am happy to be here smile". No place is going to hire a stiff ok. If you can't smile and crack a joke, no one is going to hire you. If you are only there as a stepping stone and they feel that vibe, You might as well just walk out the door. No one likes to be a considered "stepped on" on your way to the top. Ya know what I mean. 

I figured I would write to you guys. Of course there will be updates! More posts to come since I had a couple days off to really just relax. Every once in a while you do need to drop off the face of the planet just to regroup and keep your mental sanity lol :) You guys stay golden!

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