Saturday, August 22, 2015

Do the Potty dance! Potty Training made somewhat simple

Out of my 3 children I have 2 in diapers. Sophia has been completely potty trained for about 2 1/2 years now. It makes a world of difference especially when your on a tight budget and you have children that are so close in age.

The main questions I have seen ladies ask are:
1. What age can I start potty training.?
2. How do I know my child is ready to be potty trained.? 
3. How do I potty train my child.? What is easier when potty training my child.? 
4. What is some tips you have for me when potty training my child.? 

        What age can I start potty training.?
Well my loves this is really the easy part, anytime you want when you feel like they are ready! My mom had me potty trained at 8 months, of course it was ruined when my day care felt that I was too young and messed it all up. We attempted to potty train Sophia at 18 months, she did great for a little bit but a certain incident happened that scarred her for life. You know those toilets in the AMC movie theaters or really any theater where the flush is so quick and so powerful you kind of quickly hop off before it flushes to avoid being sucked down into it? Poor Sophie was so tiny the sensor thought she was off of the toilet and her butt got stuck in it and it took a couple good tugs, one foot on the toilet, and a panicking concerned me to get her out. I was not going to let that toilet eat my child whole! Mommy won that tug-o-war lol.
So PLEASE be careful when you take your child to a public restroom.  I've also had multiple freak out's on Sophia and Kayden for putting their hands on the toilet seat. There are about a million bare butts that sit on those seats, and its just disgusting I put a cover down and  hover myself if I can help it!

Kayden is currently in the potty training stage at 2 1/2, it's been really difficult because Kayden has a hard time of sitting still. But of course like all thing, NEVER GIVE UP.

      How do I know if my child is ready to be potty trained.?
There are signs! Yes you read that right, there are signs that indicate when your child is ready to use the potty. 

More common
1. Taking diaper off, no interest or want to wear diapers or pull-ups.
           All children do this! Sophia and Kayden started doing this around 15-18 months. THey would take off a completely dry diaper and toss it, then pee or poo in their bed. Yes it's gross! Especially when they decide to finger paint.... Oh the joys of parenthood. 

2. Going with you to the potty and investigating what your doing.
        Of course you see those funny things about when mom goes to the bathroom and the whole house including the dog wants to be in there with her. Well, HELLO this is true! I never have alone time to do anything and I learned to go to the bathroom with the door open instead of tryingto escape and lock myself in the bathroom, and then my kids deciding they have to break down the bathroom door instead of just leaving mommy alone! Oh yes it has happened. Now from my experience, my kids would follow me and try to peak in the toilet while I was going to the bathroom, or point and baby talk it (non of my kids have really talk yet, Sophie finally started talking around 3.) Kayden will follow me or his daddy into the bathroom and try to see what we are doing and ask us "what's that.?" 

3. Changing their own diapers.
      Yes my loves it has happened! My son is the first and for right now the only child who semi changes his own diaper. He will take a pee pee diaper off, take the wipes and wipe himself, and then attempt to put underwear on. He has been doing this for the past few months. It's really cute to see but I really don't like that fact of the occasions where he will try to hide his dirty diaper, or attempt to change a poopie diaper.... NO BEUNO you guys!

4. Waking up from sleeping with a dry diaper.
     Pretty self explanatory. If you wake your child up from a nap or in the morning  they wake up and they have a dry diaper, that means they went all night without going potty and didn't potty til they woke up. 

      How do I potty train my child.? What is easier while potty training my child.? 
There are several ways to potty train your child! It's not going to happen over night. You need to be calm and patient with your child as frustrating as it may be, think about this.... This is the youngest your child will ever be. Before you know it your child will be grown and out of your house, going to college having babies of their own where you can share the funny embarrassing stories with their children and SO. One of my favorite sites to go on for anything having to do with my children or wondering about their milestones is they really have a lot on there. But please remember only you know whats best for your child and how to do things according to how they are as little tiny individuals. If you have multiple children, what works for one of your children of course may or may not work for your other. No 2 children are the same. 

This is how I potty trained Sophia and attempting to potty train Kayden. in both public and private settings 
At Home:
1. We let them run around naked or in underwear the whole day.
2. Every 15-20 minutes asked them if they needed to potty
3. As soon as they would wake up, we would say Pee Pee, we would rushed them to the potty and put the, on it. 
4. If they went potty we would reward her. 
5. Before and After a bath we would put them on the potty. For some reason, the sound of the bath would make them potty 8 time out of 10. Then every time they would get out of the shower they would potty again (I'm guess the warm water.)

In Public
1. Put a pull up on her(easier to take them to the potty)
2. Ask every 10 minutes if she need to potty
3. As soon as she get out of the car and before getting back in it, ask if they needed to potty. 
4. If they went potty while we were out and let us know they needed to potty we would get them ice cream on the way home. 

For poop potty training, only difference is you have to track down when they poop and wait longer on the potty. 

     What are some tips you have for potty training.?
Tips I have are simple.... Reward them for doing good. Make it a big deal when they potty because truth of the matter it is a VERY big deal, It's exciting! 

Rewards don't have to be expensive, big, or extravagant. We reward the kids with candy, ice cream, sometime toy from Walmart, Even 50 cents every time they went potty and a dollar every time they went poop so when they were fully potty trained they got something big or special. Lastly, a potty chart does wonders. It's something visual to look at and fun. 

Here are some great links to cute potty charts and prize ideas for your Tot :)

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