Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Secret: Law of attraction! Why everyone should try it

 You guys have seen me mention "The Secret" in my introduction of me post. I know my friends and family have heard me talk about it, a lot of my friends I have recommended them to watch the movie or read the book. Here's a question I have for my friends and family who have heard me talk about it or I have recommended it to..... Did you actually read the book, watch the movie, seen my Pinterest board on it, or even Google it.? If not, that is totally ok! For those who don't know what it is or what it is about, this post is going to help break it down for you guys. It can be hard to understand or even know how to do it. Let me make it simple so you can start working towards a better life

History lesson behind the Law of Attraction (short form)

                   Pretty much it starts with the philosopher that most of us ( i hope all of us) would know Plato. In 391 BC he created the first Law of Affinity "like attract like" (Remember this law you guys!). In which over time by was studied more by the people we know from our history books such as Issac Newton (who was the one who stimulated the idea of Law of Attraction), Albertus Mangus, Etienne Geoffory, and James Clerk Maxwell and more laws were added to the Law of Affinity.  The words "Law of Attraction" wasn't used until 1877 in a book Helena Blavatsky. It was thrown around by a lot of authors through time, and later resurfaced with the movie "The Secret" where it was officially out for everyone and anything to see!

                                                   I know I am a dork! HAHA

Lets get to the good part....

Law of Attraction is whattt.? (minion voice)

             Summing it up is saying that "like attracts like" (there's that phrase again) you can produce your own positive or negative outcome just by your thoughts. Think about it. Now I know you see these quotes every where "Only you can create your own happiness", "Think positive", "live the life you want to live" "if you can dream it you can do it. A lot of us now a days uses this on our social media, usually as a status or tweet, or picture caption for Instagram. Here's where the problems lie, did you actually stop to think about what those words put into a juicy, little sentence really mean.? No.? It just sounded good and fit the mood. Yes.? It means you have to work hard to get the dream life through working a job or running your own business.
                    While yes you are right you have to work at it, but if your not thinking positively its AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! Sorry to burst your bubble. How many times do you want to do something and say to yourself "No I can't do that",  "No that's never going to happen to me", " I have bad luck with everything".... can you guess what your doing.?  Your manifesting negative thoughts so the Universe is going to say OK guess what, "You can't do that", "That's never going to happen to you", "You are going to have bad luck with everything".  I know your probably like oh crap now I have to spend time monitoring my brain... no not necessarily. The good thoughts are 100 x's more potent then a negative one, You just have to focus on that one thing you want, get into a great mood. Picture yourself living in the home of your dreams and feeling great about it. LIVE LIKE YOU ALREADY HAVE IT!
Now so what your telling me is if I don't want to be broke or I don't want bills, all I have to think of is what I don't want.? OK I don't want bills, I don't want bills, I.... NOOOOOOOO stop right there don't think another thought. You can also attract the things you don't want by thinking on the things you don't want. Bills and no money are negative thought. Negative Ghost Rider! If you think how much you don't want to be broke, guess what your attracting no money to you! You think about how much you don't want bills, your stacking them up. I know your probably at this point confused. Here are some examples of the things I do.
                                                      You still with me.?

1. I write down positive affirmations on a piece of paper, sticky notes, napkin, lipstick on your mirror! It doesnt matter as long as they/ or it is where you can see and have a constant reminder. I also make it an effort to repeat 1 or more of there affirmations to myself every hour on the hour and I hold those thoughts for 15 seconds sometimes as long as 5 minutes.

For example: I am successful, loved, and powerful. I deserve to be successful and I accept this. Money is coming to me from expected and unexpected places. etc.
(HEHE excuse the weird duct tape and newspaper. this is taped to my bookshelf and nothing else would make it stick) 

2.I write down all my goals from short term to long term goals.

By all my goals I mean short term: get a job as a medical billing and/or coding specialist (which is still in progress, its a lot harder then I thought it was going to be but not impossible) and a long term goal is becoming a powerful business women by being a Marketing Manager or Hospital CEO, and own small little businesses ( I am the kind of person who likes to have diversity in everything I do, I don't like to be tied to one genre of anything). Short term goal: I want to buy a brand new car. (every car I have owned in the past including my Trailblazer are all older pre-owned vehicles)

3. I picture myself as if I already have it. When I talk, I talk as if I already have it.

I am a a serious business woman. People take me seriously. etc. It doesn't matter if they believe you or not YOU have to believe YOU!

4. I repeat the things I am grateful for and thank the Universe for everything it has given to me.

5. Create a dream board!

This dream board can have anything you want. Dream boards can be an actual board or, like me, can be a interest board, or even a collage pictures you put together and set as you computer background. It can contain whatever you want. New car you like.? Pin it, Cut it out and tack it, put together on your collage. See a word that jumps out at you like TRUE LOVE, or INDEPENDENT, or FORBES TOP MILLIONAIRE WOMEN (hehe that's on mine Love me some Forbes!), EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH, or even if you want a raise put the number you want your salary to go up to like $55,000

Gratitude is the key to all of this. Think about it if you do something for someone or give someone something and they don't thank you for it are you going to do that for them again.? No exactly! Why would you ever do nice things for people who don't appreciate it.? "I am thankful for my health" "I am thankful for my healthy happy children." Well you get the point!

The experiences I have had recently with this is my certificate. I kept acting like I already passed and had my certificate. I kept repeating to myself that "I am a certified billing and coding specialist. I will be recieving my certificate in the mail in 8 weeks!". I pictured it in my hands and the computer with a big PASS on the screen. Sure enough the next day after my state boards I checked my NHA account and a big green banner with the words PASS was on it.
 I even went the extra crazy mile and googles NHA Certified Billing and Coding Specialist certificate and put that picture as my background on my computer. I did of course study too. Not nearly as much as I should have.

I am going to end the post with this. I was told (even if it was on the movie) that the Universe is your catalog. You can have what ever you want. Yes you guys I know the Universe is my catalog, I can have what ever I want, and so can you with applying "The Secret" into your life.

                                                         STAY POSITIVE YOU GUYS <3


(picture from:,,,,

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