Saturday, August 22, 2015

Meet the Gestl's

I have introduced myself. Since I am and will be posting and mentioning my family a lot, that's pretty much what this blog is mostly about. I figured to introduce you to my crazy insane circus I call my family!

The jack of all trade, master of all
This amazing but frustrating man of mine, is seriously one of a kind! I know I say that about myself but he blows me out of the water. Out of 6 years together, 1 year of that being married. I have never met anyone quite like him. With that being said, I know the phrase " Jack of all trades, Master of none" my husband is the exception that changes this quote. He works for an awesome company that is amazing. American Audio Visual: .They do such gorgeous extravagant shows. They work everything from concerts, to weddings, to runway shows, to conferences. They set up lighting, pipe and drape, music, video, staging, and probably A LOT more that I don't even know lol. Check them out and the amazing things they do. My husband works hard, I don't give him as much credit as I should. He also is pretty great at showing me he cares, though he needs a little push here and there to show the affection, its the little things that count a whole lot!

Ladies with husbands, please remember to praise those good things your husband does. It will make him feel good about himself, and just might push him to being better. Just like you would love the praise, men would love it too though they arnt so verbal about it. Dont ever stop flirting with your husband. 
Hubby's don't ever stop dating your wives. Romance is not out the door and is never overrated. Bad boys and assholes are a phase we ladies go through when we are in our let's party I am not going to remember this in the morning stage of life. We save the good romantic guys for marriage. Don't let her feel neglected or try to tear down her confidence if she is a strong woman, you need to be a strong man and uplift her. 

The Smarty Pants 
When I say smarty pants I mean it. She is my first born, she is 5 years old going on 18. She is a lot like her father. Her pediatrician calls her an "Overachiever". She never really crawled, she scooted and one day started walking. She was standing on her own with no support at 8 months. She said her first word "Mama" at 4 months, sprouted teeth at 4 months, played on the computer at 5 months. She was potty trained at 2 1/2 and for the first week she wore pull ups at night and finally after 5 days of a dry diaper and letting us know she needed to go potty she was out of diapers. Just in time too, we only had 2 in diapers for a couple weeks. (I will be doing a Potty training tip, tricks, and how -to's for mommies that need help,when nothing has really worked or just curious for when that time comes. ) She just started Kindergarten and honestly its has been a lot less stressful! having just 2 kids for a majority of the day for 5 days a week. She is such an amazing bright child I am so proud of her, she is a tough little kid. 

The Animal or Stitch 
My son is the real life Animal from the muppets. He was on the go since the day he was born! From the time I started having contractions to the time I was holding him was a crazy 3 hours, and where we lived at the time was 45 minutes away and I waited a good hour before deciding it was the real deal and it was time to go. When I got in the nurse said she wanted to give me pain meds and send me home, women dont have their babies at 37 weeks (I was 5cm dilated for almost 3 weeks before I went into labor), she told me to walk I walked for 7 minuted before coming back when she checked me his head was right there, she delivered him. He is crazy, wild, loud, screams for no reason, but he is loving and on the rare occasions he sits still for longer then 10 minutes we cherish. He is the reason our household has rules lol He is constantly on the go, he has OCD with everything they have to be in a line, from small to big. He is only 2 1/2, will be 3 in January. Everything crazy that happens he is right in the middle of it or the cause of it! lol But he sure is amazing and I am never bored. I tend to favor him a little bit which is not really a great thing to say, I never noticed it before because I love all my children but my husband had to point it out to me. I do let him get away with a lot (of course my youngest isnt at the age yet) A lot I feel has to do with the fact that he almost died at 6 weeks old. He had pyloric stenosis, common in Caucasian males around 6 weeks they usually grow out of it, but the pyloric sphincter closes shut and doesn't allow very much food to digest causing them to spit up like they are the exorcist! It went on for a couple days before he started changing colors in his legs and I rushed him into the ER. They had to do an emergency surgery that next morning or he was going to die, his organs were starting to shut down.  Thank god he is still here today and it's almost like it never happened.

The angel.... so far!
This is my baby. baby. The youngest and my last baby ever. I got my tubes tied after I had her, which (I will post about Tubal Ligation for the ladies that are considering because for me there are A LOT of more con's then pro's to this). Lyrix is the best baby I have ever had while being a baby baby. Sophia co-slept and was clingy, spoiled rotten with being held (of course I made her that way I held her way to much), and Kayden was on the go always awake the music had to be loud and vibrate his crib or else he would wake up, never slept through the night (still doesn't). Lyrix, is so quiet she self entertains herself. She doesn't ever cry unless she gets hurt which only happens when she crawls in the the side of her crib or bonks her head on something when she is crawling around. Happens to all children when they get mobile. She sleeps all through the night since 8 weeks, and she has SMILES FOR DAYS! Always a happy baby!

The Fur-baby
We recently this year added a new member to our family. We love her so much because she is so spunky and full of love. She is one of the best dogs we have she is a mutt. The only thing we know of her breed is she has some Wolf/Husky mix in her, and weenie dog in her (how that works I have no clue) But as small as she is she is completely done growing! I love it she is a mini wolf/husky pretty much. Everyone says she is funny looking but to us she is GORGEOUS! and she does not shed bad at all! Which is a plus for us especially in our small apartment. She is such a lover she loves attention, and protects the kids which to me is the best quality a dog can have! 

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