Saturday, August 22, 2015

Me, Myself, and I: This is me!!

Hello loves!

Be nice I am new to the blogging world. But lets take baby steps shall we?

1. Who am I.?

I am really nobody special to everyone else in the world, there are people out there who don't even know I exist, BUT... to other's I am so much more then another face and another body taking up space. HAHA I rhymed you see what I did there lol.
To my husband, I am his best friend, his lover, his soulmate, in his words his everything. We have been together for 6 years August 29th, and just recently on June 21st celebrated out first year of marriage (we kind of did things ass backwards *excuse the language* that will be saved for another time another post my dears)
To my children, I am a maid, a cook, a nurse, a monster hunter, and booboo kisser. To my son alone I am a jungle gym!
To my friends I am a protector, a shoulder to cry on, a uplifting quote or a sense of confidence when they are at their lowest.
I am 24 with 3 babies, ages 5, 2 1/2, and an 8 month old. I wont lie I spend a good amount of time on the computer. All my down time I'm pinning things on Pinterest, researching ways to make extra money for the stay at home mom, jobs you can work from home, and making a Dream Board (thank you to The Secret, believe me I will be mentioning this A LOT) I figured put good use to it. I am married to the father of my kids and he is amazing but my biggest pet peeve that I have learned to deal with is that he is a Workaholic! He will over work himself. I also deal with my husband going out of town weeks at a time for work, to me actually I don't mind it. I love he gets to experience new things with his work and new places he normally would never be gusty enough to go on his own.

2. Why am I starting this.?

Well I love helping people I have so many friends that ask me for advice because I have been through so much in my life, that I have found a lot of ladies go through and surprisingly kept my sanity. I graduated college with honors on tops of 2 children (ages 4 and 2 at the time) while also being pregnant. Also I have always wanted to be a blogger. It all started when I watched a movie with my mom called The Perfect Man with Hilary Duff, GREAT movie, anyways her character is one who deals with the troubles of being a teen, Lets face it being a teen sucked so much drama your getting into cliques and dealing with some really nasty people on a daily basis, well her character has a blog in which she uses to rant about the frustrations she has because every time her mom would get her heart broken she would pack everyone up with no notice and move.  She used that as not only a self therapy but for others who could relate to them and get help from them as well. I am starting this to help others, to give mommies advice they need or anyone who has gone through similar times, to share amazing recipes that I will personally try and give my honest opinion, to give the mom who feel overwhelmed the tips and trick I have with my kids in hope to help them, and to entertain you guys. I love to talk and make people smile. I want to make a positive impact on those who need it, or need that extra Oomf to get them where they wanted to be.

3. Who is this blog for.?

Here the best part..... EVERYONE! For First Time Mom's that need that help and don't want to ask their crazy Aunt or their overly suffocating In-law that wants to give out more info then actual help (not that I have any honestly I don't), For the young mom that feels she is being undermined as a mother because of her age, For the Veteran mom's that need new fresh ideas for snacks, activities, movies, or dinner recipes, For the beauty lover there will be beauty tips, trick, products I will personally review and give my honest opinions of. For the fashionista at heart I will be doing fun fashion blogs especially for mommy fashion. For the married woman there will be things to spice up your relationship, places to get great quality sexy outfits and what not to do lol OH DO I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU GUYS! Lastly for the FITnatics. I will be bringing you along my very personal own journey to the FIT life of being healthy that I hope you ladies will go along with me. Now this sounds weird too but there will also be things in here for guys that I will be researching from my hubby but that will be linked to a different blog, I would have my hubby do a blog himself but that man never takes a break he barely has time to eat most days.

the guys portion will be fashion that makes her go crazy, sexy new hair cuts, THE SEXINESS OF BEARDS! YES guys beards are sexy especially when well maintained, I mean come on you see the ladies going crazy over Mr Charlie Hunnam My god.... It will also feature what women really like and the NO NO of relationships and dating. Yes I'm talking about you creepy guy in the back! Also of course cant forget the most awesome guys out there the dads, the Stay At Home Dads, and the dads that just want to do more but really do not have a creative bone in their body lol There will be fool proof romantic date ideas, thoughtful gifts, and romantic gestures she needs to feel special.

4. What fun stuff is going to be on here.?

FUN STUFF! With the fun stuff, as I get going , of course Rome wasn't built in a day, neither will my blog lol So please be patient with me and to my friends, family and even Newbies to my blog. I promise I will have things on here that will set me apart, I am crazy, fun, and also I really care about everyone even if I haven't met you! We will have freebies, Giveaways, fun polls, fun games for the mommy's with little babies, links to my favorite blog, lists of my favorites, DIY's made EASY!, Recipes to die for that will make Emeril Lagasse envy you and your kids will equally love, fun snacks, advice, Fun meme spams with my favorites! I will also do shout outs and also to come.... VLOGS yes I said it VOLGGING :) Keep Beautiful my friends

So please Sit back, Tab me, and Enjoy my blog. I promise you will get addicted to the amazing things I have for you guys <3

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