Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What's in my diaper bag.?

Hey Loves!

So I am a big beauty and fashion person I am so in love with it, but I am not your average person. I still wear old style outfits and even new ones. Old make up looks and a lot of new ones. On a lot of blogs I see a What's in my purse/bag? post, What's in my make up bag? post, What's in my closet? post, well you get the point. Since this is a mommy blog I figured it would be fun to do a What's in my diaper bag? post since I really haven't seen on a mommy blog yet one of these posts. I am sure it's out there, But there are thousands... well that's under- exaggerating, there are millions of bloggers out there on the web, and millions of YouTuber's doing there thang, out on the internet.

I figured this would be really fun to do. It will show you guys how I pack for a day or trip out of the house with my 3 munchkins and possibly give you guys idea's about what your missing in your diaper bag you forgot, or something you never really thought of, or even some things that you have thought of but felt like you were over packing and really would never use. I am going to set one thing straight.... you can never go wrong with over packing! Better to be over prepared then under prepared. I know this from experience. I have been broke down on the side of the road with all my kids and husband, I have been in several accidents in stores, my kids have had several bathroom accidents in public, and even myself have had accidents, due to me suffering from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (unfortunately in the medical world this is not really noticed by health care professionals but ladies it is a very very real thing, and it sucks, I will do a post later on it). With kids you never know what may happen, so it's better to over analyze a situation and prepare yourself for the absolute worst thing possible.

My latest fiasco was in Publix the other day. We go shopping every other week on payday, since I am a stay-at-home mom for now we shop mainly around his schedule and how much he gets paid. I will make a bi-weekly post on this too, how we feed our family of 5 on $200 at most every 2 week, this even includes house hold items. Anyways, while we were shopping there was a sale for all regular sized Dawn dish soaps. We went to go check out and as I was putting things up on the belt, I realized that there was a fantastic smelling gooey stuff on ALL my groceries. Yes ALL my groceries. I really got furious and embarrassed because it was all over the place and our 45 min shopping trip turned into almost an hour and 30 min because I had to wait for them to clean it up and I decided instead of leaving my grocery cart and re-shopping for my items. I figured to just wipe them off and purchase them anyways. At least they wouldn't be wasted or tossed. I was so glad that I had a couple of burp rags/receiving blankets even though my youngest doesn't use them anymore they are great for a lot of things, especially clean up.

So without further a due, Here's whats in my diaper bag:

Now what I have here in this picture above is missing 2 items because my almost 3 year old decided to run off with them so here is a list
  • Chap stick: My lips get really dry and my 5 year old loves to put some on as well
  • A Pen and Highlighter: I always forget these when I go shopping, this way I have it for when I need it 
  • Travel Size Perfume: I got these as a free gift for shopping online at Sephora, these some in handy for when I am in a rush out the door, surprise date night like my hubby likes to do, or just to spray at random when I am working with AAV, we do a lot of lifting and running around and even meeting celebs or important people which is a big part of our job to be around them, and last thing I want to be remembered by is the smelly worker lol. (my latest perfume obsession is Cartier Basier Vole Lys Rose you can get it at Amazon and Spehora. Amazon would be cheaper they are expensive but so worth it!)
  •  10 diapers: I have 2 babies in diapers so that would be 5 for each since they wear the same size diapers. I restock whatever I use when I get home, that way I always have 10 diapers on me at all times.
  • My wallet: kind of a necessity 
  • Toys for Lyrix 
  • A spare shirt for me: with kids especially babies, you never know whats going to heppen from spit up, to poop, to being pee'd on. Or even if it rains
  • Spare clothes for the kids
  • Baby hair ties: Yes I have only 1 child who needs these and that would be the youngest, but her hair is always in her eyes so we keep these here for when we need to put her hair up. 
  • Secret's of a Six Figure Woman book: This is my inspirational book I have been reading. It really is about empowering yourself as a woman and how to work your way up in the job field ethically and know what you are worth, maybe your being under paid, maybe you want to be a big wig CEO, write a book, whatever it is this is helping you channel your inner boss lady and make yourself Six figures a year.
  • Lastly wipes: kind of a universal use for these from cleaning faces to cleaning little booties. 
Not shown but kept in the diaper bag: Receiving blanket, bottle, and spare small jug of milk/formula for Lyrix, of course I take my phone but that is a necessity, I even take that to the bathroom with me lol

Before I end this post, since I also have a big thing for beauty an fashion, I will be coming out with a new blog called If the Throne fits. This is a mommy/ lifestyle blog in which I will be incorporating me new blog beauty and fashion blog into it where you mommies can follow a link and get updates from here about my new posts there. There will hauls, freebies, make up tutorials, hair tutorials, and so much more, I am so excited to be sharing that with you guys. So stay tuned and stay golden you guys <3

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