Sunday, September 20, 2015

3 things I wish I knew before getting my CBCS certificate.

Hey loves,

First off, I want to begin by saying I don't regret my decision at all! I love knowing I am a Certified Medical Billing and Coding Specialist. I have my CBCS certificate from the NHA. There is tons of money to be made in this field its crazy, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

What is it?
Certified Billing and Coding Specialist or CBCS is from the National Healthcareer Association. It gives you all the basics you need to successfully have a career in Medical Billing and Coding. Now, the best thing is there is not just one specific job title you can classify your self as. By that I mean you are not considered just a medical biller or just a medical coder. The job titles that can go with having a CBCS is:

  • Billing Specialist 
  • Coding Specialist 
  • Patients Account Representative 
  • Electronic Claims Processor 
  • Billing Coordinator 
  • Claims Analyst 
  • Reimbursement Specialist 
  • Claims Assistant Professional
  • Medical Collector 
  • Claims Processor 
  • Claims Reviewer
  • Health Records Technician 
So as you can see, there is a WIDE range of jobs you can have with a CBCS certificate. Easy enough right? WRONG! Here is what I wish I would have known before getting my CBCS. 

I have put out job application  after job application since the day I got my test results. It's been almost 3 months and I have only gotten 1 reply but as far as I know I wasn't hired. Here is exactly why I was told I get the boot... I have no experience in the field. They don't care I have an education or even that I graduated with honors and am part of the Delta Epsilon Tau National Honor Society, I don't already have hands on, in person, real job experience. Here is also the big kicker, you need at least 1-2 years. 2 years or more for them to really hire you on the spot. 

My mom was a Medical Biller for one of our local hospitals for 14 years and she was able to go from food court in the hospital to Medical Biller without experience or an education on it. That was also a different time when the saying "you don't need experience or education to be a medical biller or coder" was actually true. That saying is still there, most places still tell you that, but I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news but they honestly this is not a true statement. 

The only thing I can think of is... how the hell do I get a job as a medical anything without experience? My mom told me just keep applying and eventually when someone see's your name enough they might just break and give you a chance. To me that is too long but it just might be true. It shows your persistent and really want a chance. Then in a page on FB I joined for Medical Billers, when I asked the same question I got these responses

"Call around to all the physician offices, medical facilities, and hospitals to ask which one will do an externship" (Externship is like an Internship but done by those who are fresh college graduates), and "applied for a low level job to get your foot in the door. Once your foot is in the door you can easily move to a different position within the facility." Lastly I got this one that really broke me...
"CBCS is the most basic form, if you wanted to get a job as a Medical Biller, the easiest route would have been to go with an AAPC membership and Certificate." Here I thought they were all the same certificate just given by different Associations 

2. AAPC vs. CBCS:
My first mistake was thinking that all certifications were the same. No they are not. I cannot really give a true or false statement based on which one is best because I only have a CBCS but from what I have gathered AAPC is pretty much the most elite association for Medical Billing offices hands down. They provide very detailed individual classes. AAPC has all kinds of benefits.
  • Job board including at home jobs
  • Discounts on just about anything
  • Membership is a low monthly cost 
It is also the more preferred Association to be certified with. To be a coder this is really your only option. Every job poster I have seen for coders wants no lass than a CPC certificate. Only thing is it is more expensive then the CBCS. Not really by much but I didn't have $70 for a monthly membership along with $1500 right then and there for the package and I also am not sure if the state board is covered by the tuition cost either. Which leads me to my last one.

I received my CBCS through Ashworth College. You can read all about it and my experience with Ashworth here at College and Babies

I knew about keeping up with your certificate and it costing money to take Continuing Education classes in order to make sure I didn't flush all my hard work down the drain, but I also expected to have a job by now. I was completely flabbergasted at the cost, $159 for 10 CEU credits in 2 years. They have to be done 5 per year or 10 in one year to keep your certificate. $159 for someone who has been actively searching for a job and unable to find one, only a one income household (my husband is the only steady income, I occasionally make some extra money here and there cleaning houses and whenever my work calls me, but with them it's a flex hours and I only work when they need me", and of course having 3 kid. 

Hopefully one of these days soon I will have a job. My plan is to go through with getting a CPC through AAPC because Coding is where my strength is. It is also the best option for working at home as well which is what I love. I am huge on education and I think it is extremely important and I don't ever think I will stop furthering my education and getting degree's. 

Don't get this post wrong, its not bashing it by no means. I really LOVE billing and coding and the medical world around it. Medical field is in my blood, I grew up at the same hospital I was born at, The staff was my family, they took care of me so my parents could work, my mom was a medical billing specialist and my dad was a paramedic for 14 year, it's a second language to me. This is meant to open eye to those who I feel want to pursue a career in Medical Billing and Coding. It is a great career to go into and this is a job that has been around since the start of it all and will always be in demand. Best part is the pay is AMAZING. 

According to the statistics from AAPC salary by education

(certificates are "some college")

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