Monday, September 28, 2015

What age is appropriate for make up?

Hey Loves,

I had a mommy and Sophia day yesterday. I figured it was way over due because ever since Kayden came I haven't had one on one time with my oldest Sophia. Of course with having more then one child it becomes harder to divide the time equally among them. Especially when the new ones are small. Kayden is hyperactive, technically they haven't diagnosed him with anything but they told me he shows strong signs of ADHD and he needs a little more attention a lot of the time in public places and Lyrix is only 9 months so she is the center of attention until she gets to do things on her own better.

Sophia tends to be the last child to get addressed and by then I have picked up the house, dishes are done, floor is swept and mopped, breakfast, lunch, and dinner have been cooked and served, dinner mess is cleaned up, and I am so exhausted I am only 1/2 there. Most of the time its time for bath and bed.

Words can only go so far, actions speak louder then words. So as a way to prove to Sophia she is as loved as I tell her she is all time, she is still as important as the other children, and she is always my baby no matter how many I have or how old she is, I took her on her first real shopping trip and bought her her very first lipstick to start off her make up collection.

Which brings me to why I am writing this post. Exactly what age is appropriate for giving a child make up.? What kind of make up.? What colors deem appropriate.?

A lot of questions that I am sure you guys as mommies of girls or plan to want to have a girl in the future have wondered.

What age is appropriate for giving your child make up.? 

I never got my first make up that was mine until I was around 13. When I came into "womanhood", I was given clear or brown mascara, brown eye liners, brown liquid liner, neutral blushes, and neutral lipstick and tinted lip balms. I wasn't given anything dark until I was 16 and in a serious relationship.

Of course at that age I had no clue what I was doing!

My eyebrows were something I can't even bare to talk about, my eye liner was way to dark and made my eyes look small and squinty. I knew nothing what I know now, so looking back on my pictures I figured your child is never too young to learn the simple basics of the Art of Make Up. I went to Aveda and did take a Make Up Artist course and what better way to put my skills I learned to use and teaching my girls the best tips and tricks now, we even watch YouTube tutorials. Even Lyrix watches and I talk to her as I am going through my routines.

Sophia is 5 yo and just now starting to do the Whats in mommy's make up bag check. She likes to run off and test my make up. I do have some expensive make up products like my Urban Decay Palettes and Mac Eye shadows. So I figured since she is old enough to understand, know her product types, and follow directions, now would be a great time to start building her a make up collection.

We went to Ulta and Sophia bought her first lipstick, color was her choice. She picked a really pretty color that was, as she put it, her "fall color". See I told you I was teaching her right.

What kind of make up.?

I know it should be like easy like how toys are numbered for their age groups. Unfortunately, it is not. There are no age ratings on make up to give you a good guideline of what's kid appropriate. Yes they have kid choice make up like SMACKERS brand has all the flavored lip balms and glittery eye shadow, but if your child is anything like mine.... they know the difference.

I have came up with a list of what I will be getting my 5yo to add to her collection. I set a $50 a month limit for myself (for now, sometimes more) to spend on clothes, make up, hair products, etc. Really anything I want. So to help Sophia build up her make up and hair stuff stock (thanks to my mom on the hair) I will be buying Sophia one of the following at her choosing...

  • Powder blush
  • Cream Blush
  • Make up brushes
  • Neutral Eye Shadows 
  • Lip Gloss 
  • Lipstick
  • Lip Stain
  • Lip Balms 
  • Lip scrubs 
  • Lip Palettes 
  • Make up Mirror lighted and pocket sized 
  • Make Up remover wipes 
  • Train cases and bags 
  • Press on nails 
With Sophia I feel that the ages should be as such with make up
  • 5-7 years : Lip products, make up removers, blushes, neutral eye shadows
  • 8 years: Nail polish and accessories (non sharp and with supervision)
  • 13-15 years: Clear and brown mascara, brown eye pencil and liquid liner with good grades and good behavior 
  • 16 years: Darker colored shadows, blushes, liners, lips and accessories with good grades and good behavior 
Of course all of this is just at home play make up for every once in a while. Do remember that you don't need large amounts or even full sized items if you buying for your little because until you buy for them to actually wear in public to school, church, or anything like that make up does have an expiration date and needs to be tossed after a certain time. Normally the product will have the time frame you can have it open before it goes bad on the packaging. If not here is a guideline for you :) 

What color's should I get for my child.?

Really it's up to you as to what you feel is appropriate. If you would rather choose you child's make up or your child choose it. I let Sophia choose her first one. I don't like the barbie pink for her or the dark vampy colors but I her first choice was a nude brick red. Sounds really like an Oxymoron but in better words when it's in stick form all together it looks extremely dark brick red but when it was put on it was a lighter shade then I thought. A really pretty sheer brownish red. It's perfect for her tea parties and plays she does here at the house and of course for if she wants to wear it to grandma's house. 

The color is based on you. I feel that browns, sheer colors, pale pinks, and nudes are perfect for little's. 

Hope you ladies found this helpful or even find some inspirations to help set your own guidelines. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

PTLS and Me

Hello Ladies,

I want to take a few minutes of your time and open your eyes to something that is very serious, and very real. Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome or PTLS/PTS, is something the medical world refuses to really recognize as a true syndrome. I decided the best option for me was to have my tubes tied after baby #3. I have been pregnant on birth control, some birth control broke me out in rashes, or like the pill I just forgot to take it or when I did take it I would throw it back up and since I couldn't have a partial hysterectomy, tubal ligation was the next best thing.

Let's start off with my Tubal Ligation story:

From the time I told my OB I wanted to get my tubes tied he kept trying to talk me out of it. I couldn't really understand why. I was 23 pregnant with my 3rd child and with my womb given multiple signs that I am in line to have multiples (more so fraternal twins), I could not have another one especially not 2 more. Financially we were stretching it with having a 3rd one. She is such a blessing though! I was given reason after reason of why I should not do it....

  1. I was way to young (according to the Dr)
  2. I had a perfect womb for being a surrogate (even though I had an unhealthy 2nd and 3rd pregnancies so much so I was on bed rest with both! not a good reason to me)
  3. I have a higher chance of getting pregnant with my tube tied then if I was to get the IUD (lol well it couldn't hurt, I have been pregnant while I had an IUD)
  4. I would have a higher chance of an ectopic pregnancy
  5. If I wanted them untied it would be $10k dollars or more, and there would be a 50/50 chance the reversal would still leave me to be un-fertile. 

I opted to get it done anyways. Me and my husband were absolutely 100% sure we didn't want to have another one. I had everything ready so that I could have my surgery the morning after if not that afternoon after I had my daughter. I was induced with my daughter and had an epidural put in. After my daughter was here, I was informed that my surgery was scheduled and ready for anytime between 7am and 11am, my epidural was going to be used for my anesthesia, since I was going to be wide awake for this surgery due to the risks of putting a mother who just had a baby to sleep. When it was time for me to go back we were told the surgery was only an hour I would be back in no time, they were there if he needed help with the baby, that made me laugh, because I told them ahead of time they needed to keep an eye on him since he has never been left with a newborn by himself, I was always the primary care parent, don't get me wrong he is a pretty amazing and loving father! I had more epidural fluid put into my back and my legs poked to make sure it was working. When I got into the OR, I was set up by having a blue sheet with a hole over my belly button, and a sheet blocking my view. I didn't get nervous until my arms and legs were strapped down and they tilted the table until I was semi head down. My OB informed me he was going to start the incision, and that when I felt it. The knife cutting and splitting open my skin. I cried, screamed and told him to stop, I didn't want to do this anymore. He told me there was no turning back since my belly button was officially cut half way open. He administered a local and began again. I could still feel it. All I remember after that was I was crying, screaming for him to stop, I couldn't breath, my belly button hurt, and I started shaking uncontrollably and the nurses were yelling and running around, I had a mask over my face. That's when I could hear nurses telling me to breath, and as much as I tried I just couldn't get my body to do it. I opened my eyes to see my heart beat slow down and my pulse slowing. I woke up again to having CPR done on me in my recovery room. My nurse was giving me Dilaudid (10 times stronger then Morphine) every 5-10min before I even woke up. Which in my charts tells them to limit me since I have a bad reaction to it. When I got into my room, my husband was worried because my 1 hour surgery took 3 1/2 hours. They didn't tell my husband anything about what happened. After I told him he was upset.

Scary right.?

I didn't notice anything wrong with me until 3 months later when my husband started asking me what was wrong with me? Was I feeling OK? Honestly I wasn't. To me I just figured, Oh I just had a baby my hormones are still balancing out. Well here I am, 9 months post tubal ligation surgery and my symptoms are worse then ever.

What are the symptoms of PTLS.?
Since the doctors don't acknowledge Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome as a real syndrome, much less as a real diagnoses, you can not really go and get tested to be diagnosed with PTLS. It will always be linked to another health issue such as Castrative Menopause, Severe Hormone Imbalance, Hormone Shock, etc. Which is why #IAmTheFaceOfPTLS is trying to be spread throughout the world, to bring light onto this horrible situation.

You can find the symptoms and what PTLS is linked with here on
I personally struggle with 31 of these symptoms. It's no fun that I don't know my own body or feel comfortable in it, my depression has gotten worse, I cry at nothing, which makes me cry even more because I have no clue why I even started crying let alone why I can't stop, my marriage is being strained because my husband really doesn't understand what is going on or what PTLS is. He is also one of those people who think that mental issues are not real and something you can control. It also tends to make me in a "I dont care mood" I think what's the point some days. I have also been gaining a massive amount of weight that I have been trying so hard to shred off here lately. It really upsets me that I am up until my body just crashes. Scary part is that's not even brushing the surface of the issues I have had since my tubal ligation surgery!

I can even feel where the clamps are when I strain during a work out, go to get up from laying down in bed, sometimes there are days I lose from crashing. I can never sleep even when I try. I get confused easily sometimes even with the most simple things almost like I have a brain fart on steroids. My symptoms have even been noticed by my husband and my mom. My mom urges me constantly to keep getting checked. I have been told by one doctor that it was in my head I am fine, another tell me they noticed my estrogen levels dropped and believe in PTLS, i would need a hysterectomy done but never has an availability for me to see her when I call, others who laugh at me and tell me PTLS is not a real syndrome that there is another medical issue wrong with me but won't run any tests or continue to look further into anything to help me, and the ER gives me pain meds and sends me home.

The only ways I have seen and been told would help me would be a Tubal Reversal or my best option was to get a Hysterectomy done. Hopefully once I talk with my new Dr and figure out my best option, and get the surgery done, I will start to get better.

There have been a couple of times recently where my cramping is so bad during my cycle that I have blacked out and hit my head on my bathtub and the pain never really goes away. I have learned to live with headaches and pain in general on a daily basis. I eat Midol some days like its candy, it's the only thing that has helped with the pain. This is so serious and needs help to spread the word you guys. It is no joke and so scary for those who deal with it.

#IAmTheFaceOfPTLS was created by the ever wonderful Sandy Daniel who is the creator and owner of The New PTLS Support Group. If you feel you definitely have these symptoms that appeared after you had a tubal ligation done, write a message on a piece of paper and take a photo holding your message up, and dont forget to use #IAmTheFaceOfPTLS. Tweet it, IG it, FB tag it. Shout it out. Open everyone's eyes whether your suffering from it, or plan to have your tube tied every woman should know about the existence  of PTLS in hopes that the medical world will start to acknowledge it and find a way to help more women conquer it <3

I am Kiera Grant, I am 24 year old and #IAmTheFaceOfPTLS

Let it be known and do your research before sterilization!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Vidal Sassoon Review and my New Fall hair color

Hey Loves,

So I have been debating on whether or not to change my hair color. I have been wanting to for a while but wasn't quite sure if I wanted to spend the money or the time on it. I also have a hair color addiction. I am addicted to bright colors and DEFINITELY not your regular run of the mill colors. I mean white, silver, purple, blue, etc. I know, I know, your probably thinking this girl is one of those crazy people that runs around with a Unicorn on her hair... well you guys, yes yes I am! I love those colors. Anyways, I really finally decided why not let my husband pick out my hair color.

We went to Walmart tonight, yes you guys Walmart because I have dyed my hair so many times, and did go to a cosmetology/massage therapy school. So I know the basics of how to do it at home, and box dye is the cheaper route right now, since all of our fund is going to our DISNEY trip in January :)
My hair color is naturally different shades. I joke and say I am the original Rouge because like her the 2 chunk of strands right in front have always been a dirty blonde color, the color I was born with and had up until I started dying it (which I think was like 10 or 11, I was my Aunt's guinea pig when she went through cosmetology school) and the rest is a dark medium brown.

I asked my husband what color he would like to see and his answer right off the bat was PURPLE, like neon bright purple. I told him absolutely not, as amazing as I want to do it, I have to remember I am trying to find a job in a medical facility and unfortunately not thought of as "professional" but its so damn hot and I want it, just not right now. Then he said well how about a black with blue tint, where it looks black but once the light hits it BAM! it's blue. I figured hell why not, I haven't had blue hair yet!

Once we got to the store none of the colors fit exactly what we had in mind. We went to leave but another color caught my husbands eyes ... Vidal Sassoon's hair color in 6RR-London Luxe aka Runway Red
I was so nervous because I have done red from SPLAT and I do not under any circumstances recommend that hair product because it fried my hair to hell and back and a very uneven color. The red also came out pink. Normally I use Garnier because they have the color line for dark hair. I always get 2 boxes because my hair is so scary thick, that one bottle does my roots lol. Even if you are unsure get 2 boxes, it's better to be safe then sorry and look like you tried to color your hair through a game of paintball! lol 

Please remember when your dying your hair:
  • moisturize your face and neck around the hairline and apply a thin layer of Vaseline over the moisturizer to prevent staining on your skin. 
  • if you are to get it on your skin you can always wipe it immediately with a damp washcloth  or towel
  • wear an old shirt and cover your shoulders with a towel or any cover
  • Wear the gloves, they are in there for a reason
  • Dye your hair in a well ventilated room
  • Read Direction carefully 
my own personal tip is to start with your roots first and work your way to the ends with the color and...Voila

Now I haven't seen it in the sun yet but I will most definitely post it once I do! So far I really like it but I want it brighter, so in 2 weeks I will be doing it again to brighten it up. I can honestly day this is my favorite hair dye ever now. The color is vibrant and amazing considering I didn't strip my dark color and my hair smell so good like I washed it with shampoo! The conditioner is thick and made my hair so amazingly soft, I can't stop touching it. 

I have had quite a few people tell me they are nervous about doing it, or they don't think they could pull it off, Honestly I was terrified about doing this. I wasn't really sure how it was going to turn out but this is amazing and definitely must try. You are all gorgeous, don't sell yourselves short. You never know what it will look like if you don't try it :) 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

3 things I wish I knew before getting my CBCS certificate.

Hey loves,

First off, I want to begin by saying I don't regret my decision at all! I love knowing I am a Certified Medical Billing and Coding Specialist. I have my CBCS certificate from the NHA. There is tons of money to be made in this field its crazy, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

What is it?
Certified Billing and Coding Specialist or CBCS is from the National Healthcareer Association. It gives you all the basics you need to successfully have a career in Medical Billing and Coding. Now, the best thing is there is not just one specific job title you can classify your self as. By that I mean you are not considered just a medical biller or just a medical coder. The job titles that can go with having a CBCS is:

  • Billing Specialist 
  • Coding Specialist 
  • Patients Account Representative 
  • Electronic Claims Processor 
  • Billing Coordinator 
  • Claims Analyst 
  • Reimbursement Specialist 
  • Claims Assistant Professional
  • Medical Collector 
  • Claims Processor 
  • Claims Reviewer
  • Health Records Technician 
So as you can see, there is a WIDE range of jobs you can have with a CBCS certificate. Easy enough right? WRONG! Here is what I wish I would have known before getting my CBCS. 

I have put out job application  after job application since the day I got my test results. It's been almost 3 months and I have only gotten 1 reply but as far as I know I wasn't hired. Here is exactly why I was told I get the boot... I have no experience in the field. They don't care I have an education or even that I graduated with honors and am part of the Delta Epsilon Tau National Honor Society, I don't already have hands on, in person, real job experience. Here is also the big kicker, you need at least 1-2 years. 2 years or more for them to really hire you on the spot. 

My mom was a Medical Biller for one of our local hospitals for 14 years and she was able to go from food court in the hospital to Medical Biller without experience or an education on it. That was also a different time when the saying "you don't need experience or education to be a medical biller or coder" was actually true. That saying is still there, most places still tell you that, but I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news but they honestly this is not a true statement. 

The only thing I can think of is... how the hell do I get a job as a medical anything without experience? My mom told me just keep applying and eventually when someone see's your name enough they might just break and give you a chance. To me that is too long but it just might be true. It shows your persistent and really want a chance. Then in a page on FB I joined for Medical Billers, when I asked the same question I got these responses

"Call around to all the physician offices, medical facilities, and hospitals to ask which one will do an externship" (Externship is like an Internship but done by those who are fresh college graduates), and "applied for a low level job to get your foot in the door. Once your foot is in the door you can easily move to a different position within the facility." Lastly I got this one that really broke me...
"CBCS is the most basic form, if you wanted to get a job as a Medical Biller, the easiest route would have been to go with an AAPC membership and Certificate." Here I thought they were all the same certificate just given by different Associations 

2. AAPC vs. CBCS:
My first mistake was thinking that all certifications were the same. No they are not. I cannot really give a true or false statement based on which one is best because I only have a CBCS but from what I have gathered AAPC is pretty much the most elite association for Medical Billing offices hands down. They provide very detailed individual classes. AAPC has all kinds of benefits.
  • Job board including at home jobs
  • Discounts on just about anything
  • Membership is a low monthly cost 
It is also the more preferred Association to be certified with. To be a coder this is really your only option. Every job poster I have seen for coders wants no lass than a CPC certificate. Only thing is it is more expensive then the CBCS. Not really by much but I didn't have $70 for a monthly membership along with $1500 right then and there for the package and I also am not sure if the state board is covered by the tuition cost either. Which leads me to my last one.

I received my CBCS through Ashworth College. You can read all about it and my experience with Ashworth here at College and Babies

I knew about keeping up with your certificate and it costing money to take Continuing Education classes in order to make sure I didn't flush all my hard work down the drain, but I also expected to have a job by now. I was completely flabbergasted at the cost, $159 for 10 CEU credits in 2 years. They have to be done 5 per year or 10 in one year to keep your certificate. $159 for someone who has been actively searching for a job and unable to find one, only a one income household (my husband is the only steady income, I occasionally make some extra money here and there cleaning houses and whenever my work calls me, but with them it's a flex hours and I only work when they need me", and of course having 3 kid. 

Hopefully one of these days soon I will have a job. My plan is to go through with getting a CPC through AAPC because Coding is where my strength is. It is also the best option for working at home as well which is what I love. I am huge on education and I think it is extremely important and I don't ever think I will stop furthering my education and getting degree's. 

Don't get this post wrong, its not bashing it by no means. I really LOVE billing and coding and the medical world around it. Medical field is in my blood, I grew up at the same hospital I was born at, The staff was my family, they took care of me so my parents could work, my mom was a medical billing specialist and my dad was a paramedic for 14 year, it's a second language to me. This is meant to open eye to those who I feel want to pursue a career in Medical Billing and Coding. It is a great career to go into and this is a job that has been around since the start of it all and will always be in demand. Best part is the pay is AMAZING. 

According to the statistics from AAPC salary by education

(certificates are "some college")

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Fall Style Inspirations for the kiddos

Hey loves,

I recently posted a Fall Style Inspirations on my beauty and fashion blog If The Throne Fits and it only seems right that I make one for the kiddo's on what Fall styles I have inspiring me this season for my kids.

Sophia Style (5yo):

Kayden Fall Style (3yo)

Lyrix Fall style outfits (baby 9 months)

Friday, September 18, 2015


Hey loves!

Yes yes it is true. I started up a beauty and fashion blog called If The Throne Fits like I told you guys I would. I just put in my very first post with so much more to come. I am a stay at home mom and wife but to keep my sanity and a big part of my life revolves around beauty and fashion. I was a student a couple years ago at Aveda and I have learned so much from there and loved my time there that I still use today. I didn't want to mix my lifestyle blog with fashion and beauty blog in one spot there would be way too much to content you can hardly keep up. So I hope you guys check that out as well and favorite it because I have big plans for that blog just like I do this one :D 

I posted a blog on mid season sales for kiddos now you can check out the mid season sales for you here at If The Throne Fits

Sales going on now!

Hey loves!

Never again will I go to the mall with my hubby, the kids were great, but my husband was in a constant *sigh*, huffing every 3 minutes, and commenting. All I heard the entire hour and a half we were in there was a... "why can't you stick to one store", "How much longer?", "Your a horrible shopper you know that".

I admit I am the worst shopper EVER according to my husband. In his defense... I can be. I am not the GET IN, AND GET OUT kind of shopper. I can take a list all I want but I will not go with a single thing on there. When I go shopping I like to look, test or try out whatever it is before buying, and check the price. Very rarely will I splurge. I will only splurge with my income taxes because it's a once a year thing why not.

I give myself a budget and only take that much cash with me so I don't over spend. This is a way I personally like to save money and it works!!!!!! This shopping trip I only had a $90 limit but everything is on sale for the Mid-Season Sales. Which is perfect and I just so happened to walk into this on accident lol I had no clue this sale even existed but I am so glad it does. So on with my haul

I only shopped at Sears and JCPenny's because they had the best sales going on


I got the girls and outfit a piece and I could not leave the store without these. I browsed everything until I found 2 outfits that matched because I am the dorky parent that love's kids matching outfits especially sisters.

ONLY $4.99 a piece! and Lyrix's outfit is Ralph Lauren! How cute are these?  :)

Other sales:

  • THE CHILDREN'S PLACE: 25% off new Fall line, 50% off entire store (of course not including the new Fall line), up to 50% off back to school fashion, and All denim are $5.99 and up. Also a free Hotel Transylvania 2 glow in the dark magnet. 
  • GAP: up to 40% off kids and baby sale
  • GYMBOREE: Extra 30% markdown for savings up to 60% off, spend $50 and earn $25 in Gym Bucks, and all regular priced items are BOGO's 
  • H&M Kids: up to 60% off 

Fun Fall activities and crafts for your kiddos

Hey loves!

So here are some of my favorite activities and crafts you can do with your kiddos for the Fall Season! These are some we do every year and some new ones we are going to try. Have I ever mentioned my love for Pinterest? Yes you guys I found all these on Pinterest and a few I googled and pinned :)

Let the crafting and fun begin!

Glitter Pumpkins: These are so much fun my kids love anything messy and things that are not they make messy. To my munchkins chaos is better. This is a fun way to put that chaos to good use, and also amazing decorations made special by your littles.
Ghost Bowling : This looks like so much fun I cannot wait to try it this season :) 
Pom Pom Apple Tree: So simple and cute, yet enough to keep your kiddo busy
Brown Bag Turkey (no glue) : I used to love doing these when I was little, now I am even more in love with making these with my littles! My 3 year old old plays with these for hours and hours and days and days! A perfect fall must do craft. 
Fall Sensory Bin : I am obsessed with any sensory bin. Perfect way to keep a child busy all day and so many fun educational activities to do with a sensory bin.

You can find more activities from here. They have such great activities and books for your children and you!

Here is also a Fall Fun list. 

Happy Fall Ya'll! I would love to see the crafts you guys come up with and will share more of our activities here at home :) 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

CAUTION: Mainstream Filth Ahead! Be prepared to get a new obsession to Rock N' Roll

Hey Loves!

I want to really want to open everyone's eyes to this amazing Rock N' Roll band. Let me begin by saying I am not much on Rock N' Roll. Its not my go to music usually, I really have to be in the mood to listen to it but, Mainstream Filth is absolutely a must check out! This is a 2 man Rock N' Roll band and let me say how awesome it is that 2 guys can make such awesome music!

Vocals and guitar is done by Andrew Vinson and drums are done by Austin Jiles. These 2 together make such amazing sound. Like I said normally I don't listen to Rock N' Roll but I really love the music. The lyrics are real and something anyone can relate to. When I listen to their music I find myself bobbing my head and moving to it. The beat of the songs are killer! I highly recommend and even urge you all to go and check them out. Both of these guys are really amazing personality wise and they put their all into it which really to me sets them apart because you can tell they love doing this. So share their music videos, check them out, follow them on twitter and favorite their website. I know you wont be disappointed by this band!

My favorite song that I always have to listen to when I hop on Youtube is 1991... I love the slow and steady rhythm to it and it even has Andrew's gorgeous wife in the vocals as well.

Don't forget to check them out and definitely show them some love, attend a show to see the epic awesomeness that is Mainstream Filth in person and don't forget to get you a shirt as well! If you can't, tell I am definitely a huge fan, even my 5 and almost 3 year old love their music so you know they have to be good!! Tell your friends, your brother, your sister, even your mom and grandma, Mainstream Filth is where it's at!

You can catch Mainstream Filth and stay connected with them here.
Mainstream Filth Website
Band Camp: Mainstream Filth
Mainstream Filth FB
Mainstream Filth IG
Mainstream Filth Twitter
Mainstream Filth YouTube Channel

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What's in my diaper bag.?

Hey Loves!

So I am a big beauty and fashion person I am so in love with it, but I am not your average person. I still wear old style outfits and even new ones. Old make up looks and a lot of new ones. On a lot of blogs I see a What's in my purse/bag? post, What's in my make up bag? post, What's in my closet? post, well you get the point. Since this is a mommy blog I figured it would be fun to do a What's in my diaper bag? post since I really haven't seen on a mommy blog yet one of these posts. I am sure it's out there, But there are thousands... well that's under- exaggerating, there are millions of bloggers out there on the web, and millions of YouTuber's doing there thang, out on the internet.

I figured this would be really fun to do. It will show you guys how I pack for a day or trip out of the house with my 3 munchkins and possibly give you guys idea's about what your missing in your diaper bag you forgot, or something you never really thought of, or even some things that you have thought of but felt like you were over packing and really would never use. I am going to set one thing straight.... you can never go wrong with over packing! Better to be over prepared then under prepared. I know this from experience. I have been broke down on the side of the road with all my kids and husband, I have been in several accidents in stores, my kids have had several bathroom accidents in public, and even myself have had accidents, due to me suffering from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (unfortunately in the medical world this is not really noticed by health care professionals but ladies it is a very very real thing, and it sucks, I will do a post later on it). With kids you never know what may happen, so it's better to over analyze a situation and prepare yourself for the absolute worst thing possible.

My latest fiasco was in Publix the other day. We go shopping every other week on payday, since I am a stay-at-home mom for now we shop mainly around his schedule and how much he gets paid. I will make a bi-weekly post on this too, how we feed our family of 5 on $200 at most every 2 week, this even includes house hold items. Anyways, while we were shopping there was a sale for all regular sized Dawn dish soaps. We went to go check out and as I was putting things up on the belt, I realized that there was a fantastic smelling gooey stuff on ALL my groceries. Yes ALL my groceries. I really got furious and embarrassed because it was all over the place and our 45 min shopping trip turned into almost an hour and 30 min because I had to wait for them to clean it up and I decided instead of leaving my grocery cart and re-shopping for my items. I figured to just wipe them off and purchase them anyways. At least they wouldn't be wasted or tossed. I was so glad that I had a couple of burp rags/receiving blankets even though my youngest doesn't use them anymore they are great for a lot of things, especially clean up.

So without further a due, Here's whats in my diaper bag:

Now what I have here in this picture above is missing 2 items because my almost 3 year old decided to run off with them so here is a list
  • Chap stick: My lips get really dry and my 5 year old loves to put some on as well
  • A Pen and Highlighter: I always forget these when I go shopping, this way I have it for when I need it 
  • Travel Size Perfume: I got these as a free gift for shopping online at Sephora, these some in handy for when I am in a rush out the door, surprise date night like my hubby likes to do, or just to spray at random when I am working with AAV, we do a lot of lifting and running around and even meeting celebs or important people which is a big part of our job to be around them, and last thing I want to be remembered by is the smelly worker lol. (my latest perfume obsession is Cartier Basier Vole Lys Rose you can get it at Amazon and Spehora. Amazon would be cheaper they are expensive but so worth it!)
  •  10 diapers: I have 2 babies in diapers so that would be 5 for each since they wear the same size diapers. I restock whatever I use when I get home, that way I always have 10 diapers on me at all times.
  • My wallet: kind of a necessity 
  • Toys for Lyrix 
  • A spare shirt for me: with kids especially babies, you never know whats going to heppen from spit up, to poop, to being pee'd on. Or even if it rains
  • Spare clothes for the kids
  • Baby hair ties: Yes I have only 1 child who needs these and that would be the youngest, but her hair is always in her eyes so we keep these here for when we need to put her hair up. 
  • Secret's of a Six Figure Woman book: This is my inspirational book I have been reading. It really is about empowering yourself as a woman and how to work your way up in the job field ethically and know what you are worth, maybe your being under paid, maybe you want to be a big wig CEO, write a book, whatever it is this is helping you channel your inner boss lady and make yourself Six figures a year.
  • Lastly wipes: kind of a universal use for these from cleaning faces to cleaning little booties. 
Not shown but kept in the diaper bag: Receiving blanket, bottle, and spare small jug of milk/formula for Lyrix, of course I take my phone but that is a necessity, I even take that to the bathroom with me lol

Before I end this post, since I also have a big thing for beauty an fashion, I will be coming out with a new blog called If the Throne fits. This is a mommy/ lifestyle blog in which I will be incorporating me new blog beauty and fashion blog into it where you mommies can follow a link and get updates from here about my new posts there. There will hauls, freebies, make up tutorials, hair tutorials, and so much more, I am so excited to be sharing that with you guys. So stay tuned and stay golden you guys <3

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Do it for the "Holy S**t you go hot!"

Hey loves!

Being healthy is really important. I have always been the type talked about working out and people would look at me like I am crazy and tell me "your skinny you don't need to lose anymore weight", "why would you want to work out your skin and bones", "you don't need to work out you look good the way you are".  Well I want to workout for myself. To be healthy, fell good emotionally and mentally, while looking smoking hot. I want to be someones fitspiration. I want to do it for the "holy s**t you got hot!".

Don't get me wrong you guys, I love myself. But, like a lot of people, I do things I want to tweek about my appearance. One main thing is, after 3 children my body is not what it used to be. Even back when I was skinny my body was not what I wanted it to be because I was too skinny.  I am 6' 1 in height.... yes I know I am an Amazon Woman lol. Before kids I was 125 lbs now after 3 kids I am the heaviest I have ever been non-pregnancy weight at 186 lbs.

I woke up last weekend and was tired of feeling like I would take a nap after being awake for an hour, where jogging after my kids 10 ft and I was out of breath and feeling like I was going to die and my heart was going to pound out of my chest into traffic. I set up myself some inspiration photos, inspiration quotes that I knew would make me work harder. I now have a workout goal!

My Fitspiration bodies

 my Fitspiration quotes

For more fitness motivations go and check out my Fitspiration Pinterest board here.

I got on Pinterest (which everything i find is from Pinterest lol) and found some workout routines and calendars, looked on YouTube and subscribed to fitness music play lists, and fitness videos. I don't have any equipment yet but to me that's ok I feel like I need to build up my routines! Start out slow and work my self up to eventually lifting. Yes you heard me right... lifting! Hello sexy booty by doing squats with a bar and weights! I switched everything in my house from eating ready to eat TV dinners, knorr pasta side, and eating out 4 nights a week, to all clean eating at home with fresh farmers market produce, healthy meats, protien shakes, and meal planning.

Music for working out

Here are my start out routines I have been doing this past week.

For more workouts, and challenges go and check out my Yea, I workout board. Yes lol I did name it after the LMFAO Sexy and I know it song.

Hope you guys enjoyed this post and was able to get your inspiration to start like I did or the inspiration to keep going. Its a slow processes just remember hard work pays off and your results are coming, Rome wasn't built in a day and continue to watch as I post updates on my journey to being fit, healthy, and strong <3