Monday, August 31, 2015

Night out with WWE Live, New things for Pampers and Pearls, and possibly a working mom.? YASS!

Hello my lovelies!

Sorry things have been completely hectic for the past couple days! I know I went a little ghost on you guys for a day or 2. Been working on some great new stuff coming to you guys really soon, and by soon I mean in the next month to month and a half if not sooner!

First lets start with the best thing ever!

Pampers and Pearls will be selling awesome new homemade products. There will be a "jackpot" note in 1 of every item every month to get a freebie of your choice. There will be mini/travel Items and full size items. Among these awesome items, there will also be items for the little ones and even the furbabies in your life! All these items will be made with essential oils, which in my opinion is the most amazing thing ever to this planet. They really help with so much. I never used to be a essential oil person until I became a Massage Therapy and Esthetics student at Aveda here. We used it a lot in our facials and massages and the powers they have are almost magical! I was a definitely believer.

I am so ready for this to be started. I have been thinking and planning this out for a long time and getting things together. All these items that I sell will be reviewed by me and the family

On to the next thing


Me and the hubby had a night out on Sunday night. It had been a couple months since we last went out and it was really for only an hour or 2. My husband got us some WWE Live tickets, which is what I told him I really wanted to go to. One of the perks to working for the company we work for is when we wear our uniform we are able to go and escape the crowd by going to down into our office, which so happens to be where all the famous people walk around, so before it even started they worked a little bit and we chilled in the office where all the wrestlers were just walking around. It was so awesome! One of my favorites Natalya aka Nattie, you know her from Total Divas TV show which is based around the women of the WWE. She walked up to the door across from where we were standing, she was waiting to be introduced to a bunch of fans to do a little Q & A. She looked around and we caught eyes and shared a smile. I absolutely love her. She is so sweet and more gorgeous in person then she is on TV. It could have been my shot to get a selfie but both of us was working and I was trying to be professional. I did of course regret not taking that opportunity, I did though get pictures of the matches. (I am sorry for the quality you guys I know I really need to get a better camera, that will be also happening in then next month or so. Just bear with me)

It was great. I know a lot of you guys are like "there is not way I am paying for tickets to see that fake crap." I know its fake but it was really fun, really awesome. It's a place you can blow some steam off, yell a little bit and drink a beer (if your of age). Also a great place to take your older kids. The kids really enjoy it. Yes I know its condoning violence but if you reassure your kids that this is fake they are like actors. The fights are staged and rehearsed, no one is actually trying to hurt the other one.

It was a great all the way around. My first time and the hubby's first time every going to a WWE, I know it wont be our last. Of course we had to leave early due to kids not cooperating with my mom.

Last thing

I had a job interview. If you you haven not read my post  College and Babies, I went to a college that was strictly an off campus college. I did everything from home, even had my books sent to me, exams were on line, my project was sent via PDF file attachment sent to my professor. I finally was given a chance today by one of our hospitals, to show what I had learned and put it to good use. I had an interview today and I am most confident it went better then I planned it. The ladies were so nice and so sweet. As soon as they came through the door they gave me a vibe that just instantly relaxed me.

Of course I still don't know if I have a job or not yet. I want to give a couple of pointers for the mommies out there. I have little job experience and this is the first time I have ever done the interview process. Normally I have jobs handed to me because my husband knew the people or it was the company my dad worked for or owned. So this was the first time ever I was able to do this on my own, and do an interview.

What they loved the most about me was they loved most and got complimented on was that I was prepared. I came with note cards that had my select questions on them. My interview took an hour, which is a great sign right there, if they don't like you they cut you short most of the time. The questions I asked them were:

  1. What is a day in the life of this job position like.? 
  2. What are the most important key goals that this certain job position should focus on in the first 30 days to a year.? 
  3. What are the 1 year goals this company has.? 
  4. What are the 5 year goals this company has.? 
  5. If hired, how could I help accomplish these goals from this job position.?
  6. What are the qualities you are looking for to be successful in this job position.?
  7. What is the career path for this job within the company.? 
  8. Do you have any reservations about my fit for this certain job.? 
I was told this was some of the best questions she has heard of. The interview was a lot less complicated then I thought, but I also prepared for the worst. I stayed positive. I am still positive. I know that this job is mine since I got the call. I also went in there with a huge genuine "I am happy to be here smile". No place is going to hire a stiff ok. If you can't smile and crack a joke, no one is going to hire you. If you are only there as a stepping stone and they feel that vibe, You might as well just walk out the door. No one likes to be a considered "stepped on" on your way to the top. Ya know what I mean. 

I figured I would write to you guys. Of course there will be updates! More posts to come since I had a couple days off to really just relax. Every once in a while you do need to drop off the face of the planet just to regroup and keep your mental sanity lol :) You guys stay golden!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Mama Cooking it up in the Kitchen: Meatloaf muffins

In my house we never really do the same meals twice in a 2 week period. We try not to really eat the same thing in 1 month we always switch it up, always eating something different.

So I was scanning Pinterest and came across this recipe. I didn't go by it exactly, I left some things out and improvised with others.

Changes to the ingredients:

  1. I first off, never use hamburger meat/ground beef, we always use turkey meat. Its so much more healthy, less grease, and tastes so much better doesn't have the iron and fatty taste to it that ground beef has. 
  2. I doubled everything, since my family tend to eat a lot, especially the things they love like these. I also make enough to send to lunch with my husband or daughter  (depends on who wants it, which is more likely Sophia.) 
  3. I did not use the club crackers. 
  4. Instead of using mustard, brown sugar, and Worcestershire Sauce with the ketchup, I used just 2 pinches of regular sugar, and equal amounts of ketchup and soy sauce. Turned out fantastic according to my hubby.
  5. Lastly, instead of piping the mashed potatoes, I just dolloped them on top. 

It was a big hit in my house my kids loved it. There was empty plates and second helpings! Really simple, didn't take long at all about 40 minutes tops. Definitely a must try! My kids and husband give it a 6 thumbs up and the recipe is going into our recipe book that I have that will be passed down to the generations, as a nice little family heirloom. :)


(I know my picture isn't as fancy but it was so delicious!) 

The best fluffy eggs my kids can't go without!

I always figured there was never really a trick to making eggs. You crack open the egg, whisk with a fork, cook it, top with whatever your preference was and you were done.... I was so WRONG! My husband would refuse to eat eggs if I was cooking them because he said they weren't fluffy enough, he had to make them. so we can thank this on my husband. Yes ladies my husband is a great cook!

My kids cannot go a morning without these eggs! My daughter loves her's topped with ketchup, but she prefer's "dip em" eggs (egg over easy, where you break the yolk and dip your toast and back in it)

Fluffiest egg ever recipe!

Eggs (depends on how much you want to make. for my family of 5 we use 8-12 eggs)
1/4 cup of milk
Cheese (optional)
1 pan
1 bowl (for the eggs)
cooking spray
1 tbsp butter

Step 1:  Heat the pan on medium high heat. Spray the pan with cooking spray to avoid sticking.
Step 2:  Crack eggs and put them into the bowl you have set aside. Beat eggs with a fork or whisk until yolk is broken and well blended. This also works amazing with the liquid eggs!
Step 3:  In the heated pan, combine the whisked eggs, milk, salt , pepper, and cheese. Cook well! (they will still be a little liquid from the milk
Step 4:   Transfer eggs from pan to plate, top with your favorite items (mine is salsa and sour cream), serve with your morning favorites and Enjoy!

Simple right.? So easy it comes with its own easy button, lol jk. My kids always wake me up first thing in the morning to make these and they just cannot get enough. We make so many eggs because my kids will eat about 2 plates a piece. They always ask for more eggs, even when they haven't eaten the other stuff. Of course we make them eat the other stuff by telling them they don't get more eggs until their plate is empty, works every time! LOL

Hope you guys enjoy! This is one of my favorites as well, makes for a great day starter. Hope you all enjoy this as well.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Ipsy Glam Bag Review: August 2015

I am like most ladies who would go to Sephora, Target, Walmart, etc just to only buy 1 or 2 things and it still be almost $20 or way more and keep it long after its overdue to be tossed out the window. Especially mommies who sometimes don't have the time to run out and browse and look at every single item they have. Let's face it, with a toddler or baby or both, sometimes even the older ones you tend to look for the first few seconds before one if not all the kids starting getting fidgety and tired of being in that one spot. You then get rushed even more, to hurry up and pick something and by the time you get home you realize the shade you picked is not what you thought it was. I have that happen way to often with really anything including grocery shopping.

How can you get great full sized products for cheap that are fit for you, without even having to pack everything for a weekend (I always feel like I am packing to go out of town for a weekend with my kids, and still tend to forget something) and playing a guessing game of whether or not your kids are going to behave or not just to go get a new eyeliner to avoid looking like a walking dead extra.? Maybe your the type that never really buys the same thing over and over again you like to try the never ending supplies and brands of the beauty world, or you do stay with the same brand every time because you don't want to spend the arm or the leg on that new lipstick just to find out you don't like it.
One simple word. Ipsy!

I found Ipsy of course through ad's and my forever favorite social media site, Pinterest! It is a $10 monthly payment that requires at sign up a questionnaire to be filled out to better match the products to you. I told my mom about it and got the, "but I don't like the colors". Mom, I know your reading this and as you always told me growing up.... You don't know you like it if you don't try it? (In case your wondering sweet Mother of mine, I have a huge grin on my face and I love you). :D  LOL

To me it's worth it. I just started getting it and I already love what I have been sent.

Best thing is you can cancel at any time. Ipsy comes with full size and even sometimes Luxury sized items. To me, having 3 kids, this is not a bad idea especially because I am saving money. Another thing I love about it is, if you like what you have been sent you can always go to your Ipsy account and buy it. No needing to go to the store for it and some of your stores may not even have it. At least you know they have it and it is shipped right to you! There are amazing brands you can even enter to win contests on there for hundreds of dollars worth of your favorite brand, as well as, it also has a great chance for you to earn points and get products with those points!. WOOHOO free stuff! Who doesn't like free stuff right? Oh yea did I mention you get an adorable make up bag that comes with it? Umm Yes please!

In my August glam bag:

Jessie Girl Cos. Eye Shadow Primer
so far so good, of course I just used it this morning.

Doucce Ultra Precision Eye Liner in Black
This Doucce eye liner has to be one of the best eye liners I have ever tried. I have the Nyx Jumbo Liner, Elf liners, and of course have tried every liner by Covergirl, but none have really been so smooth and sweat proof. Even with primer and a set powder they still tend to run a little bit or transfer/ wipe off easily.

Briogeo Blossom and Bloom Ginseng and Biotin Volumizer
smells FANTASTIC.Your supposed to blow dry it but I let mine air dry, until I can replace my broken hair dryer. My hair is big! All I did was spray the Volumizer in my hair after the shower and let it air dry, it's also smoother than it normally would be.

Hikari Lip Gloss in Merlot 
Its so creamy, and rich in colors. I am big on bold lips, I normally don't wear lip stuff because my husband is not a fan of it, AT ALL. It's a little sticky once it comes off but to me that's worth it.

Trust Fund Beauty Nail Polish in Elegantly Wasted
 is a little thin but once you have 2-3 coats the color is quite gorgeous and soft! It's more of a smokey lilac color.

Ipsy is a must try for everyone. I highly recommend this! Give it a try, if you do decide to try it go to my FB page or Twitter account and use me as a referral. You won't regret it, I am most certain! You can also check out my make up looks on my Instagram as well :)
(Sorry for the quality guys, I will be getting a new camera with time)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

I'm sorry, but who is looking at my profile.?

I get this question so much since I let a few important people know I knew the secret. Really, more likely, it's not a secret, and probably quite a few people know.

There is DEFINITELY a way you can see who looks at your profile. I am a firm believer in The Secret: Law of Attraction. In the law of attraction, one of the biggest things you are told in the movie is bad things came to those who horded the secret all to themselves. I figured well crap then people are going to know that I am looking at their profile. But, I will show you the same respect to those who look at mine.

I will take you on a step by step guide of how to do it and the video I found on YouTube that helped me. I've actually known about it a while I just never really thought it was true. My husband found it one day as a "hmm there has to be a way to know who looks at your profile" when it came to his sleezy ex who had a nack for stalking us on a hourly basis to know our every move.... She still does it.

I find this could be helpful to you as mommies, because one day your child is going to have a Facebook account (if they currently do not) and the world keeps sinking further into a hole of creepy guys with werido fantasies. Scary right! As much as you would like to say, well my child knows better I teach her better then that. The harsh truth is our children are their own individual person. We can teach them, and show them the right way, but it is up to them to make the decisions between right and wrong when they get older (it's easier when they are little they have no choice but once puberty hit Oh LAWD ya'll grab an umbrella Sh*t will hit the fan). Yes, I know it's a hard pill to swallow. I never understood what my mom was saying until I became a mother myself, by then it was too late and I made all the wrong choices before I finally got some things right. It would be a nice ease of mind who is looking at yours, and/ or looking at your child's Facebook.
Just remember this quote mommies.

So here we go you guys the thing MOST of you have asked to know and some of you have secretly wanted to ask but never did. 

This only works on a desktop (just in my experience) 

Step 1: Go to your Facebook and log in
Step 2: Once logged in stay on your news feed, and take the cursor over to any blank white spot and right click. A list should pop up. Once you that list pops up click on the "view page source". 
Step 3: When you click on "view page source" you will find that there is a whole bunch of coding and to anyone else it would be pure gibberish! all the numbers, letters, and symbols. When you come to this page, simply press Ctrl, +, F, at the same time and a search bar will pop up in the right hand upper side of your screen under your bookmarks. 
Step 4: Once the search bar pops up your going to want to type in (all one word) initialchatfriendslist. When you do that you will see a whole bunch of grouped up numbers with a -0,-1,-2, or -3 after it. Each one of those is a persons profile who has looked at your profile. 
Step 5: Open a fresh new tab, leave the tab with the gibberish and cluster of numbers up.
Step 6: Go back to the page source and copy every number but the -0,-1,-2, or -3. Then return to fresh new tab with Facebook up. 
Step 7: After your going to want to type in / and then paste the number you have copied and press enter. That will take you right to the persons profile. The first number up should be the last person that has looked at your profile. 

Here is the catch you cannot tell what time that person looked at your profile, that I know of. 

Now how awesome is that. You get a piece of mind knowing you can monitor and see who is looking at your's or your child's profile, or maybe your not a mommy and you have had issues with stalkers in the past.?  Possibly you just want to see if your crush is checking you out just as much as you check them out.? mmmmhmmm you sneaky! LOL You could also have it for the same reason I did, your SO (significant other. I will do a post on mommy abbreviations) has a sleezy, psychotic, stalker, dramatic, ex that somehow tends to know your business before you do. What ever the reason may be, I hope it helped! :) 

Here is the video to put it in visual for you. This is the same YouTube video I watched that taught me.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

National Dog Day!

Today you guys is National Dog Day!

National Dog Day was found in 2004 by Colleen Paige, who is a Pet and Family Lifestyle expert and Animal Advocate. Colleen Paige is also the founder of National Mutt Day, National Pup Day, and National Cat Day! How awesome is she.? National Dog Day was found to alert the people and educate them about how many dogs  need to be rescued each year. It shows pride and alerts those of family dogs and those selfless dogs that save lives each day, give us the sense of safety and comfort, and protects us from thing that are bad.

I read every day of somewhere where someones dog saved them from a fire, or the wonder K-9's that keep their partner safe out in the world. Especially the Soldier pup who are putting their life on the line out overseas. I can never understand how something so hairy and in all sizes could have so much love in their bodies.

I want to recognize a very special 4 legged furbaby of mine for National Dog Day.

I wanted a puppy , the kids were asking to get a puppy and of course we kept getting the "No I don't want a dog" from Chris. One afternoon, my husband came home from work to let me know that there were puppies that were free. One of his bosses Jennifer let him know that her dog was having a litter of puppies and if we wanted one she was giving them away, but just to let us know they were mutts, they have no clue who the dad was. As soon as I got the picture of the puppies my eyes went straight to her. It took us no time on the day we went to go get her I was so happy and everyone loved her! We just couldn't get enough of her.
She especially took to Sophia

She has been such an amazing tiny little furry blessing. She is so loving, so sweet, she loves everyone and even loves all other animals. She has tried to play with a squirrel at the dog park and the squirrel was not having it! Once it got away it kept barking at her LOL and she just sat there in a happy mood wanting to play. She has been a protector, on more then one occasion if she felt like someone or something was wrong she would let us know. She makes sure the kids are always safe, she wont let the kids more then 2 feet away from her without having to either run around and herd them back to a safer spot or pulling them by their pants back or wherever she felt was best for them to be at. She is quite the little snuggler too!

Please show your little furbaby some extra love and attention for National Dog Day and don't forget to post pics in my comments or tag me in Instagram or Tweet me to show off them gorgeous little pup, I would love to see them.

I will be trying out the Barkbox for her soon and can't wait to see how she likes it and what goodies they have for her. Once I do get it (not sure really when) I will definitely be giving a review on it :) Stay Golden you guys and love them furbabies <3 

What the kiddo's love!

Hello loves!

So I did a post on mine and the hubby's favorite TV Shows now I want to get to our kids favorite TV Shows. My kids do not watch a lot of TV only for the fact that my oldest Sophia was pretty much raised by a TV. I was a young mom, a stubborn mom to be more exact. I didn't take anyone's advice but to be honest I really would have gone back in time to teach myself better. I just turned on the tv and sat with her and played with her in front of the tv. We did everything in front of the tv. She learned everything from how to talk to how to speak some Spanish, and count from the help of Dora and boots , and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

My kids are now limited to what they can watch and how much they can watch. They want more tv time they need to behave and Sophia needs to do her chores. They get 1-2 hours of tv or a movie before bed or they can have 1 hour of computer time and a movie. During the weekends we do go easy on them when they wake up they can watch up to 4 hours. 1 hr in the morning, 1 hr after lunch around nap time (if they choose to have a nap time mostly Kayden is the only one who doesnt nap), and 1-2 hours before bed.

Sophia and Kayden's Favorites Shows (approved by us)

  1. Bubbleguppies 
  2. Team Umizoomi 
  3. Peppa Pig (more so Sophia's)
  4. Dora and Friends
  5. Dora the Explorer
  6. The Backyardigans 
  7. Wonder Pets
  8. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
  9. Doc Mcstuffins 
  10. Sophia the First
  11. Jake and the Neverland Pirates 
  12. Sheriff Callie 
  13. Henry Hugglemonster (more so Kayden's) 
  14. The Octonauts 
  15. Chuggington
  16. Little Einsteins
  17. Lazytown

Lyrix's favorite that Kayden loves also
  1. Astroblast
  2. Ruff-Ruff, Tweet, and Dave
  3. The Chica Show 
  4. Caillou
  5. The Goodnight show
  6. Sarah and Duck
  7. The Berenstain Bears 
and then she loves everything on the Baby First TV. Unfortunately when we got Comcast they do not offer the Baby First Channel instead it's the Sprouts channel but I am signed up on all of these for the kids so the Baby First Channel has their own YouTube channel which makes it better, just hook the computer to the TV and  BAM! Baby First Channel. 

Here is also a list of approved computer sites we let our kids on if they chose computer and a movie.

Taking a moment to say....

I just wanted to sit and thank all of you for reading! I truly love blogging and I havent even gotten to the fun stuff. I want to say thank you guys so much for staying tuned and being patient with me. I know its taking a while to get things up  and going at full speed, but being a mother the saying I have lived by since 2010 when Sophia was born was ...

You have to learn how to crawl before you can walk.

I have had so much fun so far and I cannot wait to see where I will be with this in a year from now. I have been doing research and going out to think of creative new posts and find out what would reach you guys the best! I really am thankful for you readers because it wouldnt be fun if it wasnt for you guys it would be like talking to a brick wall.

I hope that everyone who reads my stuff is enjoying what they read.

I also wanted to give a shout out to a special person who's blog webpage I personally have bookmarked on my desktop and that is Ericka Madden she writes I found her blog on Pinterest where she wrote a post on  The 3 best tips that will sweeten anyone's blog traffic. It really has helped me a lot, the blog posts she has written so far, that I have read. Of course I'm still reading and learning from them. I love her blog. She makes everything so simple and so enticing with gorgeous, easy-on-the-eyes looks and posts. The way she writes, I feel like she is talking to me which is really important to me. I like to feel like I am being talked to as a person not like she is a teacher and being paid to tell me how to do things. If anyone is thinking of starting a blog really needs to read her stuff. I was always so quick to put myself down about starting a blog even though it was something I have been thinking about since I was 14 and her blogs for some reason made it easier for me to jump on the blogging express, and I have read TONS of blogs on how to start but I felt more like I was reading a how to for dummy's manual rather than a true helpful blog until I came across So thank You Ericka I know I have never met you but you have helped a lot through your blogs and I hope I can do the same for other's.  Everyone please go check out her blog I promise you will not be disappointed.

Again I want to thank all of you. I felt that this is so important to me and I really want to do big things with this blog that can be fun and helpful to everyone. I am so excited to have you all here to watch this blog grow into something great!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Hard work pays off

So you know I am so passionate about mommies and daddies going back to school. From the parents who have not yet met their little miracles to those who have older kids that are out in college themselves.

Well, if my post College and Babies didn't make you want to start right then and there, then how awesome and more motivated does this make you! 

Yes you guys I am now officially part of the honor society the Delta Epsilon Tau. If I can do it you guys can do it!

I have been waiting days if not a week or two for this little beauty! I thought I was excited then, we'll I am overjoyed right now. Wearing the pin with the Greek letters on it and seeing a certificate with a gold seal just feels so amazing and I feel so smart and educated. 

You guys this feeling is amazing and I hope those who don't think they have the time or think they just don't have the money to futher there education, or even those who think (like my husband) "I'll just google it and watch YouTube videos instead of paying a lot of money for a piece of paper". 

It's a piece of paper yes but this little piece of paper makes you feel so strong and happy. School teaches you so much more then how to do your job and the fundamentals you need to complete and research what ever it is your studying but it teaches you the basics of time management, how to juggle and be able multitask, and gives you a sense of pride in writing that you can admire everyday. It proves to other you know what your talking about and know what your doing. 

If you think about going to school but worried about time, money, kids, a full time job, or over stressing about deadline with so much to do a not enough time, definitely check out Ashworth College or any other online accredited college! You won't regret it 🎓😜✌🏼️

The Best of: TV SHOWS

So I promised you guys last night in my Fear the Walking Dead Review that I would do a post on my favorite TV Shows. I will list them based off of what me and the hubby watch together and what we enjoy watching independently. You guys I am the biggest TV Show nerd. I love watching TV Shows. I know that everything comes to an end but to me movies end to quickly. There are more hours of a TV Show (most of the time) then there is in movies. There is also a controversy in my house because yes me and the hubby will be like teens fighting over the remote when it comes to our TV Shows. Don't get me wrong we, have a lot of TV Shows we love to watch together so in the words of a lot of people... Let's do this :)

TV Shows we both enjoy

  • Game Of Thrones (GOT)- This is one of our absolute favorites. We recommend everyone to watch this!
  • Orange Is The New Black (OITNB)- another one of our favorites. I really wasn't much into this last season. I really only watched it to see Ruby Rose!
  • The Vampire Diaries (TVD)- I was more into this then the hubby on the last season. Chris got behind because of having to work long hours. I am so sad to see it ending, but all good things must come to and end. 
  • The Originals- the spin off of TVD and let me tell you at first I definitely have googly eye for Klaus, Elijah, and Marcel. 
  • Supernatural- Awesome show. I normally really don't watch the horror, poltergeist, or Apocalyptic, end of the world type things but I really love this.
  • Arrow and The Flash- I put these both together because they pretty much tie into each other. I love how they mix each other in each others shows. 
  • The Walking Dead (TWD)- there is so much emotion wrapped up into one show. After every episode ends I scream WHYYYY? at the TV because I want to know more
  • Sons of Anarchy-  I am still not done with the tv show, I stopped at the 6th season. I do have plans to of course finish it. I mainly watched it for Ryan Hurst (Opie Winstone) and Charlie Hunnam (Jax Teller). It ain't a good show without some eye candy. 
  • Prison Break- OUTSTANDING! I love this because Scofield makes you feel smart. He is a very intelligent man. It really is a touching story line with suspense. It will make you cry and laugh. I definitely cried. 
  • Once Upon A Time (OUAT)- This is my all time favorite. Definitely ranks the top of my list of favorites, my hubby likes it but he isn't as into it as I am. I am a fairy ale lover, and as  I have said before a Disnerd. My 5 year old is even obsessed with it and my 2 year old will really get into it.
  • Starcrossed- I have been in love with Matt Lanter since 90210 when he played Liam this show was so romantic, my hubby wont admit to anyone he has watched it and enjoyed it (I pried it out of him once and of course that was the end of the conversation and he never staid another word on it.) I am extremely sad it didn't make it to the second season. I really wish it did because the end of the first season really leaves you hanging. 
  • True Blood-  My favorite characters would be Pam and Lafayette they have the best personalities that I couldnt help but love. I really was sad how it ended and that it ended. The only thing I want to know is who the hell did Sookie's baby daddy.? What happened in that year that we didnt see.? Does she still mourn Bill.? I was hoping they would come back with a movie of what happened in that year span and letting us meet that dark haired man of her's. 
  • Revolution- This would definitely happen to the world if we all lost electricity so you should watch this just to know what to expect for if it does ever happen. 

TV Shows I love (the hubby hates) 
  • 90210-  I am so sad to have seen it end. I really want to know what happened between Liam and Annie. 
  • Pretty Little Liars (PLL)- This shares a spot with OUAT, actually if we are being honest its a little bit ahead of OAUT. I love the mystery of it. For 6 seasons I could have never guessed who A was. When they finally revealed it, I screamed. LOL
  • Glee- Who doesn't like a little musical.? I LOVE THEM.
  • Revenge- The perfect plot to destroying those who did her family wrong! There is always a new twist a new turn through every minute.
  • The 100- Is a thrilling show. Clark really makes me feel empowered as a female and I love how she takes control of the situation and how someone so young could be full of hope, promise, and hold the qualities to be a great leader.
  • Hart of Dixie- addicting to watch. Dr. Hart is funny, cute, and a Yankee stuck in a hillbilly nightmare (well to her to me it would be the best place to live). If you want a romantic comedy definitely watch this! Who names their child Lemon.? 
  • Empire- I just recently started watching this show and I fell in love after the second season. There is amazing music from talented people, an amazing cast, and a true real life rags to riches story with the issues faced when dealing with fame. 
  • Reign- I am a history buff! This is the tragic epic story of Queen Mary of Scotts and her life in court of France. I cannot wait for the new season I am having Reign withdraws. Love, sex, betrayal, loss, secrets all wrapped up into the  Palace. 

TV Shows Chris loves (I wouldn't watch by myself but I will glance at it lol)
  • Ax Men- the lives of men in the logging business. This is Christopher's favorite. He really doesn't tell me why, I don't even think he knows why himself lol
  • Impractical Jokers- Lets all admit this is funny but sometimes if not a majority of times they go way overboard with it
  • The Carbonaro Effect- I think its neat. while Chris thinks it is the most amazing thing. His favorite is always watching the people's reactions. 
  • Bitchin' Rides- what guy doesn't like to watch a show about gorgeous vehicles 

Sorry you guys that it took me so long, we had some family time to night with a movie after dinner and was not aware the the movie Interstellar was almost 3 hours long. I'll be doing a movie review on that tomorrow. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Mama cooking it up in the kitchen

When the dinner bell rang in our house I made something new (making things from random ingredients and making a tasty meal somehow works for us!) and was so nervous when everyone went to eat but my kids loved it, the hubby gave me two thumbs up, and I could not stop eat it... by that I mean no left overs at all. HAHA! You guys are the first to get this recipe of mine. Make sure that if you make it you give me a shout and let me know how you liked it :)

Panko Crusted Turkey Meatballs with fried rice covered in a smoked celery gravy

What you will need: (this is for a family of 5)
1 large mixing bowl
1 large plate (or a small-medium sized bowl totally your choice)
1 1/2 lbs-2lbs- Ground Turkey meat (we use butterball brand)
1 large egg
2 cups Panko
1/2 onion (minced)
Smoked Paprika
Garlic salt 
 4 cups cooked rice 
1 cup mixed veggies
soy sauce 
3 tbsp butter 
1 can of Cream of Celery 
Chicken stock
1 cookie sheet well greased (I use Pam cooking spray)
1 round pan
1 Sauce pot 

1. Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. 
2. In a large bowl mix together turkey meat, minced onion, pinch of garlic salt, egg, pinch of pepper, and 1/2 cup of panko. Mix (with hands) until well blended. Put left over panko on a large plate (to coat meatballs).
3. Measure out turkey meat and roll them into a ball. Roll them into the panko you have on the plate and place them onto your well greased cookie sheet. You can make them as big or as little as you want. Since I have 2 toddlers 1 infant, and The hubby and I, I make them different sizes. Of course for my infant I put her food into a blender so for her's doesn't matter what size. 
4. Once your cookie sheet is filled, place in the preheated oven for 20 minutes or until well browned on the outside. (Keep checking on them if they are in there too long they will burn on the bottom and dry out)
Fried Rice
1. Make 4 cups of rice either stove top or rice cooker. I cheated by using a rice cooker, takes way less time and almost nearly impossible to mess them up.
2. Melt 1 1/2 tbsp butter in the round pan. Once rice is done transfer the rice into the pan with the melted butter and add the mixed veggies. Add Soy Sauce, only enough to lightly coat the rice you don't want to add too much.
3. Mix well and set aside. 

1. In a sauce pot mix together cream of celery soup, with that can, add in 1 can of chicken stock, 1/2 can of milk, 1 1 1/2 tsp of soy sauce, and 1 1/2 tbsp butter on medium to high heat. 
2. Whisk until blended and butter is melted. 
3. Add 1 tsp of smoked paprika, 1/2 tsp of garlic salt, pinch of pepper.
4. Heat until boiling, whisking occasionally. Once boiling remove from heat, it will thicken as it cools. 

                     (Picture from IG by yours truly!)
Put them on you plate together and VOILA your done and ready to eat :) Hope you guys enjoy! Take pics and tweet them to me @KieraGrant or tag me in Instagram @mrslildirty25, or tag Pampers and Pearls FB page , don't forget to go like my page!! When I do Q&A with you guys your questions will be coming from Twitter or Pampers and Pearls FB page! 

Bon Appétit Loves <3

Fear the Walking Dead *Do not read if you have not watched the premier*

YASSSSS! You guys the Premier was Great!

So when I watched the preview I was excited! I couldn't wait because like about 90% of the world, I am a The Walking Dead fan! I love it, so when I found out a "this is what happens during the transition" spin off I could not help but think HALLELUJAH Thank You. I so was wondering what was it like during the transition. I know that we heard stories and seen little glimpse of before and right when it started going into chaos, but never really how it all went to chaos.

Lets start it out shall we.? :)

       OK so this definitely started out with a BANG! The first few seconds and there is already blood, a zombie, and face eating! People getting hit by cars, and of course a wicked upset mom who tells the police off. I wont lie if that happened to one of my kids I would have done the same. I wont lie you guys I definitely laughed a little too loud when she was telling them to get out. Just the way she said it. (Just so everyone know no I am PRO police. just saying!)

      I love the cast they were great. I loved the way it started. It definitely had me holding my breath and clutching my computer chair. I laughed a little too hard at some points.

The things I did not like about this first episode was how to me I guess I felt there should have been more zombies, more people eating, and more people vs. zombie, but I'm not dissing it just yet it is only the first episode. :) Another thing was how I got a little confusion when it came to every time Nick was talking he was all over the place when he was talking about things to where it made me kind of wince and want to punch him in the face. The scene where Nick was telling Travis and Madison about how he shot his "friend" Calvin. I was getting a little irritated how it was more rambling than straight telling them how it was, Madison and Travis seemed so clueless and the way they talked to Nick made me feel like they were talking to a toddler. I can see why the writers would do that because Nick is supposed to be a heroine junkie who is a little messed up a bit in the head because he is a junkie but like I said I was mostly irritated by the time he told them about Calvin.

I cannot wait until next week. The only reason why I hate watching TV Shows live is because I have to wait a week for the next one Lol but this one was so worth it! Speaking of Tv Shows I will give you guys a list tomorrow of my most favorite Tv Shows :)

Stay Golden you guys and #FearTWD

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Secret: Law of attraction! Why everyone should try it

 You guys have seen me mention "The Secret" in my introduction of me post. I know my friends and family have heard me talk about it, a lot of my friends I have recommended them to watch the movie or read the book. Here's a question I have for my friends and family who have heard me talk about it or I have recommended it to..... Did you actually read the book, watch the movie, seen my Pinterest board on it, or even Google it.? If not, that is totally ok! For those who don't know what it is or what it is about, this post is going to help break it down for you guys. It can be hard to understand or even know how to do it. Let me make it simple so you can start working towards a better life

History lesson behind the Law of Attraction (short form)

                   Pretty much it starts with the philosopher that most of us ( i hope all of us) would know Plato. In 391 BC he created the first Law of Affinity "like attract like" (Remember this law you guys!). In which over time by was studied more by the people we know from our history books such as Issac Newton (who was the one who stimulated the idea of Law of Attraction), Albertus Mangus, Etienne Geoffory, and James Clerk Maxwell and more laws were added to the Law of Affinity.  The words "Law of Attraction" wasn't used until 1877 in a book Helena Blavatsky. It was thrown around by a lot of authors through time, and later resurfaced with the movie "The Secret" where it was officially out for everyone and anything to see!

                                                   I know I am a dork! HAHA

Lets get to the good part....

Law of Attraction is whattt.? (minion voice)

             Summing it up is saying that "like attracts like" (there's that phrase again) you can produce your own positive or negative outcome just by your thoughts. Think about it. Now I know you see these quotes every where "Only you can create your own happiness", "Think positive", "live the life you want to live" "if you can dream it you can do it. A lot of us now a days uses this on our social media, usually as a status or tweet, or picture caption for Instagram. Here's where the problems lie, did you actually stop to think about what those words put into a juicy, little sentence really mean.? No.? It just sounded good and fit the mood. Yes.? It means you have to work hard to get the dream life through working a job or running your own business.
                    While yes you are right you have to work at it, but if your not thinking positively its AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! Sorry to burst your bubble. How many times do you want to do something and say to yourself "No I can't do that",  "No that's never going to happen to me", " I have bad luck with everything".... can you guess what your doing.?  Your manifesting negative thoughts so the Universe is going to say OK guess what, "You can't do that", "That's never going to happen to you", "You are going to have bad luck with everything".  I know your probably like oh crap now I have to spend time monitoring my brain... no not necessarily. The good thoughts are 100 x's more potent then a negative one, You just have to focus on that one thing you want, get into a great mood. Picture yourself living in the home of your dreams and feeling great about it. LIVE LIKE YOU ALREADY HAVE IT!
Now so what your telling me is if I don't want to be broke or I don't want bills, all I have to think of is what I don't want.? OK I don't want bills, I don't want bills, I.... NOOOOOOOO stop right there don't think another thought. You can also attract the things you don't want by thinking on the things you don't want. Bills and no money are negative thought. Negative Ghost Rider! If you think how much you don't want to be broke, guess what your attracting no money to you! You think about how much you don't want bills, your stacking them up. I know your probably at this point confused. Here are some examples of the things I do.
                                                      You still with me.?

1. I write down positive affirmations on a piece of paper, sticky notes, napkin, lipstick on your mirror! It doesnt matter as long as they/ or it is where you can see and have a constant reminder. I also make it an effort to repeat 1 or more of there affirmations to myself every hour on the hour and I hold those thoughts for 15 seconds sometimes as long as 5 minutes.

For example: I am successful, loved, and powerful. I deserve to be successful and I accept this. Money is coming to me from expected and unexpected places. etc.
(HEHE excuse the weird duct tape and newspaper. this is taped to my bookshelf and nothing else would make it stick) 

2.I write down all my goals from short term to long term goals.

By all my goals I mean short term: get a job as a medical billing and/or coding specialist (which is still in progress, its a lot harder then I thought it was going to be but not impossible) and a long term goal is becoming a powerful business women by being a Marketing Manager or Hospital CEO, and own small little businesses ( I am the kind of person who likes to have diversity in everything I do, I don't like to be tied to one genre of anything). Short term goal: I want to buy a brand new car. (every car I have owned in the past including my Trailblazer are all older pre-owned vehicles)

3. I picture myself as if I already have it. When I talk, I talk as if I already have it.

I am a a serious business woman. People take me seriously. etc. It doesn't matter if they believe you or not YOU have to believe YOU!

4. I repeat the things I am grateful for and thank the Universe for everything it has given to me.

5. Create a dream board!

This dream board can have anything you want. Dream boards can be an actual board or, like me, can be a interest board, or even a collage pictures you put together and set as you computer background. It can contain whatever you want. New car you like.? Pin it, Cut it out and tack it, put together on your collage. See a word that jumps out at you like TRUE LOVE, or INDEPENDENT, or FORBES TOP MILLIONAIRE WOMEN (hehe that's on mine Love me some Forbes!), EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH, or even if you want a raise put the number you want your salary to go up to like $55,000

Gratitude is the key to all of this. Think about it if you do something for someone or give someone something and they don't thank you for it are you going to do that for them again.? No exactly! Why would you ever do nice things for people who don't appreciate it.? "I am thankful for my health" "I am thankful for my healthy happy children." Well you get the point!

The experiences I have had recently with this is my certificate. I kept acting like I already passed and had my certificate. I kept repeating to myself that "I am a certified billing and coding specialist. I will be recieving my certificate in the mail in 8 weeks!". I pictured it in my hands and the computer with a big PASS on the screen. Sure enough the next day after my state boards I checked my NHA account and a big green banner with the words PASS was on it.
 I even went the extra crazy mile and googles NHA Certified Billing and Coding Specialist certificate and put that picture as my background on my computer. I did of course study too. Not nearly as much as I should have.

I am going to end the post with this. I was told (even if it was on the movie) that the Universe is your catalog. You can have what ever you want. Yes you guys I know the Universe is my catalog, I can have what ever I want, and so can you with applying "The Secret" into your life.

                                                         STAY POSITIVE YOU GUYS <3


(picture from:,,,,

Late night movie binge: Two Night Stand

                       Two Night Stand
(picture from rotten tomatoes)

My latest late night movie binge is a movie I seen in my Xfinity onDemand but was like oh ya know whatever really doesn't look all that interesting to me and the rating were not very good.

                             Ratings:  IMDB-6.4/10,  Rotten Tomatoes- 34%,  Metacritic- 45%

Now looking at these ratings your like ummmm no, then you read the info. I read it, and still no sparks clicked. When that happens I don't even bother to look at the trailer on Youtube. I decided to watch it anyways I cant sleep, the hubby is sleeping on the futon right next to me so  I didn't want to play a movie I have seen 100 times because that is his pet peeve and when I was going to play Descendants I decided to try something new.

Now the reason he is sleeping on the futon is because our awesome fur-baby that I bragged about being one of the best dogs ever.... pee'd on our bed and for some reason on my side of the bed. and he laid in it. Its not funny.... ok its hilarious, what am I talking about? Better him then me! So he is snoozing like a baby and I watched Two Night Stand while the blankets are being washed and dried.

The movie is about a girl who gets cheated on and left by her fiance, went to college  and graduated with her degree for something she wasn't really interested in for reasons even she didn't know. She moves in with a friend who gets irritated that she is living there and not finding a job or anything. So she gets forced into finding a one night stand. She gets on a dating site and find this guy who she goes to his apartment. When they wake up she goes to leave and is blocked in. They get to know each other on a deeper level then they have with anyone.

GREAT movie. It has everything! It's funny, sexy and sad. I think my favorite part of the entire movie, besides the ending of course which I wont lie had me in happy tears, is when they are discussing "notes" on sex and critiquing each others techniques and skills in order to be better for the next person. Honestly the character Meagan lays out ALL OUR SECRETS right there in the open lol but makes awesome ways to guys who really think they know what they are doing but to us its really not that great lol

Really a must see.
Analeigh Tipton was outstanding. She really was amazing and when she says she had epic dance moves she really meant it. Also can we just comment here on how gorgeous she is. She is absolutely stunning :)
Miles Teller (we all know from the Divergent series as Peter) he was awesome! He to me is adorable with a killer smile. He was super adorable, in a I can be an ass but you know I'm cute kind of way Haha
 I definitely think it was underrated. It deserves a higher rating then what it has.

               Watch the trailer here

Saturday, August 22, 2015

College and Babies

Is it possible.? OH YEA!

A lot of people look into going back to school.  I did and I still want to go back. Usually the thing that holds them back or is a main source of stress is time and money it takes for getting your degree. Thousands of dollars, FASFA, student loans you have to pay off at the end, you have a full time job working 40+ hours a week but project and papers that have a deadline, and on your day off you want to catch the football game but stuck in class.?

I am an Honors Graduate. I graduated with my Professional Diploma for  Medical Billing and Coding with my Certificate in Billing and Coding Specialist from the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) I graduated with honors by having a 3.8GPA and got a letter of recognition and request to join the Delta Elipson Tau National Honor Society which I gladly accepted with pride.
Oh yea did I mention I did all that with a 4 year old, a 2  year old, and pregnant with baby #3.

I owe all my thanks to They are really amazing. You can get anything there that you could at an on-campus. High school diploma I got through Ashworth. Reason being, I really didn't care much for school, to be honest I was busy partying. Me and Chris' partying came to an end a few short months later when we found out we were expecting Sophia. At that point I realized, I made a mistake and hit rock bottom. I was living on my own, pregnant, 19, and no educational degree. By the time I had Sophia me and Chris split up for a little while in which I finally decided and was pushed to go through with it and I didn't need to slack anymore I was a single mom and had to do what I needed to do. Of course I was still a kid when I had a kid, but that didn't mean i Needed to act like one. I of course straightened out. I finally started and finished with my high school diploma thanks to Ashworth they made it easy for me.

Ashworth is what they call Distant Learning, they are accredited! Its the real deal you guys! You get your books sent to you, exams are open book, you go at your own pace so you finish in as little or as much time as it takes you... if you need to take a week off take a week off, you want to finish a whole section in one day do it! You also get a cap and gown graduation for those who would like to attend. I do believe that it is in Atlanta, since the school is based in Norcross, Ga. You also have your state board paid for, if you have one. Best part about all of this. You can pay in full for a lower all around price or you can pay monthly! For my Pro Diploma I started for just $10 my first month and then $65 a month after the first month. They give you all the information and tools you need to pass your state board. You even get hands on learning and "virtual field trips".

I highly recommend them if you are interested in going back to school but dont want to have to take time out of your full time job or away from your kids and SO or pay for a sitter so you can make your classes. You only have 1 project that is due like a month or 2 (maybe more) from the time you start.  Of course I am going to go back for my degree's next. My goal is to one day manage if not own a Billing and Coding department. Big Goal would be Hospital CEO. I grew up with 2 parents in the Health care field so It has stuck with me its what I know and understand best.

Don't see the major or course you want to take check out these other awesome plces that are similar to Ashworth:

(these other ones I am not so sure about how they payment or tuition works but these are other great accredited distant learning universities)

Of course if you guys sign up with any college online or on-campus, I would love to hear your stories, what your degree or course you are taking, and how you like it  <3 I will always stay with Ashworth they made it a joy for me to further my education and made me want to keep learning lol I know I am such a dork!

Do the Potty dance! Potty Training made somewhat simple

Out of my 3 children I have 2 in diapers. Sophia has been completely potty trained for about 2 1/2 years now. It makes a world of difference especially when your on a tight budget and you have children that are so close in age.

The main questions I have seen ladies ask are:
1. What age can I start potty training.?
2. How do I know my child is ready to be potty trained.? 
3. How do I potty train my child.? What is easier when potty training my child.? 
4. What is some tips you have for me when potty training my child.? 

        What age can I start potty training.?
Well my loves this is really the easy part, anytime you want when you feel like they are ready! My mom had me potty trained at 8 months, of course it was ruined when my day care felt that I was too young and messed it all up. We attempted to potty train Sophia at 18 months, she did great for a little bit but a certain incident happened that scarred her for life. You know those toilets in the AMC movie theaters or really any theater where the flush is so quick and so powerful you kind of quickly hop off before it flushes to avoid being sucked down into it? Poor Sophie was so tiny the sensor thought she was off of the toilet and her butt got stuck in it and it took a couple good tugs, one foot on the toilet, and a panicking concerned me to get her out. I was not going to let that toilet eat my child whole! Mommy won that tug-o-war lol.
So PLEASE be careful when you take your child to a public restroom.  I've also had multiple freak out's on Sophia and Kayden for putting their hands on the toilet seat. There are about a million bare butts that sit on those seats, and its just disgusting I put a cover down and  hover myself if I can help it!

Kayden is currently in the potty training stage at 2 1/2, it's been really difficult because Kayden has a hard time of sitting still. But of course like all thing, NEVER GIVE UP.

      How do I know if my child is ready to be potty trained.?
There are signs! Yes you read that right, there are signs that indicate when your child is ready to use the potty. 

More common
1. Taking diaper off, no interest or want to wear diapers or pull-ups.
           All children do this! Sophia and Kayden started doing this around 15-18 months. THey would take off a completely dry diaper and toss it, then pee or poo in their bed. Yes it's gross! Especially when they decide to finger paint.... Oh the joys of parenthood. 

2. Going with you to the potty and investigating what your doing.
        Of course you see those funny things about when mom goes to the bathroom and the whole house including the dog wants to be in there with her. Well, HELLO this is true! I never have alone time to do anything and I learned to go to the bathroom with the door open instead of tryingto escape and lock myself in the bathroom, and then my kids deciding they have to break down the bathroom door instead of just leaving mommy alone! Oh yes it has happened. Now from my experience, my kids would follow me and try to peak in the toilet while I was going to the bathroom, or point and baby talk it (non of my kids have really talk yet, Sophie finally started talking around 3.) Kayden will follow me or his daddy into the bathroom and try to see what we are doing and ask us "what's that.?" 

3. Changing their own diapers.
      Yes my loves it has happened! My son is the first and for right now the only child who semi changes his own diaper. He will take a pee pee diaper off, take the wipes and wipe himself, and then attempt to put underwear on. He has been doing this for the past few months. It's really cute to see but I really don't like that fact of the occasions where he will try to hide his dirty diaper, or attempt to change a poopie diaper.... NO BEUNO you guys!

4. Waking up from sleeping with a dry diaper.
     Pretty self explanatory. If you wake your child up from a nap or in the morning  they wake up and they have a dry diaper, that means they went all night without going potty and didn't potty til they woke up. 

      How do I potty train my child.? What is easier while potty training my child.? 
There are several ways to potty train your child! It's not going to happen over night. You need to be calm and patient with your child as frustrating as it may be, think about this.... This is the youngest your child will ever be. Before you know it your child will be grown and out of your house, going to college having babies of their own where you can share the funny embarrassing stories with their children and SO. One of my favorite sites to go on for anything having to do with my children or wondering about their milestones is they really have a lot on there. But please remember only you know whats best for your child and how to do things according to how they are as little tiny individuals. If you have multiple children, what works for one of your children of course may or may not work for your other. No 2 children are the same. 

This is how I potty trained Sophia and attempting to potty train Kayden. in both public and private settings 
At Home:
1. We let them run around naked or in underwear the whole day.
2. Every 15-20 minutes asked them if they needed to potty
3. As soon as they would wake up, we would say Pee Pee, we would rushed them to the potty and put the, on it. 
4. If they went potty we would reward her. 
5. Before and After a bath we would put them on the potty. For some reason, the sound of the bath would make them potty 8 time out of 10. Then every time they would get out of the shower they would potty again (I'm guess the warm water.)

In Public
1. Put a pull up on her(easier to take them to the potty)
2. Ask every 10 minutes if she need to potty
3. As soon as she get out of the car and before getting back in it, ask if they needed to potty. 
4. If they went potty while we were out and let us know they needed to potty we would get them ice cream on the way home. 

For poop potty training, only difference is you have to track down when they poop and wait longer on the potty. 

     What are some tips you have for potty training.?
Tips I have are simple.... Reward them for doing good. Make it a big deal when they potty because truth of the matter it is a VERY big deal, It's exciting! 

Rewards don't have to be expensive, big, or extravagant. We reward the kids with candy, ice cream, sometime toy from Walmart, Even 50 cents every time they went potty and a dollar every time they went poop so when they were fully potty trained they got something big or special. Lastly, a potty chart does wonders. It's something visual to look at and fun. 

Here are some great links to cute potty charts and prize ideas for your Tot :)