Saturday, December 12, 2015

Session number 1 complete...

Hey lovelies,

So I just got back from my counciling session. My councilor is awesome.

From the get go I was comfortable with her. Just this one session helped me and my husband. We will be doing individual and couples counciling.

I told her everything I could from my childhood listening to my parents fight, to my adolescent age which was filled with depression, my self medicated ways of coping, how therapy helped me for a while but it was talking nothing that made a big impact, to me moving out, my drug phase, my party stage, my complications with my marriage and even what I know from my husbands background...

The conclusion was such, I was codependent, I have depression still, a new found anxiety, and I have a Chameleon personality disorder because deep down I do not know who I am. Me and my husband are suffering from PTSD from traumatic experiences in our childhood/ adolescents to just before our son was born.

We never dealt with those. My husband has anxiety and self medicates with alcohol which is never good. Me and my husband have never faced our issues just swept them and hide them and trained our minds to forget the horrors so we don't have to feel pain. Which only builds more issues and pain.

My husband has control issues and I am used to being a follower. Our wonderful therapist is going to help us cope with our PTSD, help me find who I am, who we are as a couple, and help me become independent and strong.

I'm so happy I found this place and look forward to our weekly sessions. I feel better just from this one session.

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