Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year, New me.? Naaaahh Better yet New Year, New Conquests

Hey Loves

AHHHH we are only hours away from being another year down for the count. Surprisingly I have seen more "New Year, New Me' jokes and meme's then people actually saying it.

But we all know, who are we kidding, there is in our minds a "New Year, New Me" vibe. Whether it's thinking of one or multiple things you would like to do for the next year.

My accomplishments and my New Years Resolution I set for myself, I can actually say this year I accomplished some of those. Well I gained weight instead of losing it, and nope my house is still messy 90% of the time, I don't have but 5 new items to my wardrobe (but tossed a lot so does that cancel each other out.?)

I graduated college
I got a job for a hospital I love
We moved out on our own
We moved out of our small town (even though it was 45 min away, still it was a baby step)
Got new phones
Paid off our car
Got Disney Seasonal Passes
A new tattoo
Fake Eyelashes and Mastered the art of applying them
I've become more stern and success driven, rather then sitting at home sulking over why I wasn't successful
Somewhat comfortable with the Law of Attraction and how it works
Finally found out who I am as a person... likes, dislikes, what make me sad, happy, angry.
Learned to control my anger and emotions
Most importantly I have been brutally honest just so I didn't have to lie and hurt someone worse then telling the truth.
Weeded most of the ugly negatives out of my life
Started a blog

So many things i have accomplished from my 2015 New Years Resolutions list.

This Year I decided no "New Year, New Me" crap but "New Year, New Conquests". I am finally at peace with who I am and I love who I am at this point in my life. I'm always under construction with myself so there is always room for improvements, but lets face it (here is my brutal honesty)

I have to be successful because I like lavished expensive things and I like junk. I like jacked up trucks and sports cars, 4-wheeler's and a house on 10 acres, I love rescuing animals and giving them a loving home, I love having my nails and hair done, I need massages on a bi-weekly basis, I love to step out of my make up comfort zone, love to dress up and dress down, to spoil my children rotten and give them everything their little hearts desire, to take them to new places, get more tattoos and piercings, change my hair color a dozen times.

In order to do that I have to be successful, I have to be the best me that I can be. Pretty much make up my mind on what I want to do, or change it a million times. Most importantly just do what I want and make me happy. So here is to a New Year with New Successes and Conquests!

Everyone please be safe, party responsibly, don't drink and drive, don't let someone drink and drive. House Party throwers put the keys in a bowl, then hide them,and make up some cots and call up some cabs. Here is to another year let it be better then last year <3 Ladies may your next year be as sharp as your eyeliner, drama be as short as your mini skirts, and as high up as your stilettos ;)

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