Thursday, November 26, 2015

It's Thanksgiving!!

Hey Lovelies!

The awesome day of cooking all day, family and friends gathered around the table, some traveling or already out of town, Whatever it is your doing, don't forget to stop and be thankful for everything in your life.

I have so much to be thankful for. Starting with my awesome kids who never stop to give me a break, I cannot ever seem to go to the bathroom or take a shower by myself, but they make my day with the small things they do from hugs and kisses, to the laughs that make me laugh. My house would be clean, empty, and quiet without them. Especially my furbaby Pandora she has been such a blessing to us and so helpful!

I am thankful for my husband. He isn't a 100% perfect but if he was life would be pretty boring. We don't get along all the time but all the great times seem to make the few bad times disappear. He tries his hardest to do right by me and that makes him pretty damn close to perfect to me! :)

My family and in-laws. They help out so much when we need it and we would be lost without them. With 3 kids and 2 working even the smallest things help so much and we would be in total destruction without them.

Today I do not have to cook. Which I am also thankful for who doesn't like the holidays where the other family members do all the cooking and there are no dishes to really do.

I do on the other hand have so many stuff I am cooking. With a little help from Law of Attraction and my dream board this time next year I will be doing the cooking and hosting of the holidays in our new home. This year it was kind of hard to do that with the whole family in a 2 bedroom apartment.

Everyone enjoy your Thanksgiving, enjoy the food, the time together, safe travels to the ones who will be traveling back home! Definitely stop to remember everything you are Thankful for :)

(Images thanks to Google) 

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