Saturday, August 29, 2015

Mama Cooking it up in the Kitchen: Meatloaf muffins

In my house we never really do the same meals twice in a 2 week period. We try not to really eat the same thing in 1 month we always switch it up, always eating something different.

So I was scanning Pinterest and came across this recipe. I didn't go by it exactly, I left some things out and improvised with others.

Changes to the ingredients:

  1. I first off, never use hamburger meat/ground beef, we always use turkey meat. Its so much more healthy, less grease, and tastes so much better doesn't have the iron and fatty taste to it that ground beef has. 
  2. I doubled everything, since my family tend to eat a lot, especially the things they love like these. I also make enough to send to lunch with my husband or daughter  (depends on who wants it, which is more likely Sophia.) 
  3. I did not use the club crackers. 
  4. Instead of using mustard, brown sugar, and Worcestershire Sauce with the ketchup, I used just 2 pinches of regular sugar, and equal amounts of ketchup and soy sauce. Turned out fantastic according to my hubby.
  5. Lastly, instead of piping the mashed potatoes, I just dolloped them on top. 

It was a big hit in my house my kids loved it. There was empty plates and second helpings! Really simple, didn't take long at all about 40 minutes tops. Definitely a must try! My kids and husband give it a 6 thumbs up and the recipe is going into our recipe book that I have that will be passed down to the generations, as a nice little family heirloom. :)


(I know my picture isn't as fancy but it was so delicious!) 

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