Thursday, August 27, 2015

I'm sorry, but who is looking at my profile.?

I get this question so much since I let a few important people know I knew the secret. Really, more likely, it's not a secret, and probably quite a few people know.

There is DEFINITELY a way you can see who looks at your profile. I am a firm believer in The Secret: Law of Attraction. In the law of attraction, one of the biggest things you are told in the movie is bad things came to those who horded the secret all to themselves. I figured well crap then people are going to know that I am looking at their profile. But, I will show you the same respect to those who look at mine.

I will take you on a step by step guide of how to do it and the video I found on YouTube that helped me. I've actually known about it a while I just never really thought it was true. My husband found it one day as a "hmm there has to be a way to know who looks at your profile" when it came to his sleezy ex who had a nack for stalking us on a hourly basis to know our every move.... She still does it.

I find this could be helpful to you as mommies, because one day your child is going to have a Facebook account (if they currently do not) and the world keeps sinking further into a hole of creepy guys with werido fantasies. Scary right! As much as you would like to say, well my child knows better I teach her better then that. The harsh truth is our children are their own individual person. We can teach them, and show them the right way, but it is up to them to make the decisions between right and wrong when they get older (it's easier when they are little they have no choice but once puberty hit Oh LAWD ya'll grab an umbrella Sh*t will hit the fan). Yes, I know it's a hard pill to swallow. I never understood what my mom was saying until I became a mother myself, by then it was too late and I made all the wrong choices before I finally got some things right. It would be a nice ease of mind who is looking at yours, and/ or looking at your child's Facebook.
Just remember this quote mommies.

So here we go you guys the thing MOST of you have asked to know and some of you have secretly wanted to ask but never did. 

This only works on a desktop (just in my experience) 

Step 1: Go to your Facebook and log in
Step 2: Once logged in stay on your news feed, and take the cursor over to any blank white spot and right click. A list should pop up. Once you that list pops up click on the "view page source". 
Step 3: When you click on "view page source" you will find that there is a whole bunch of coding and to anyone else it would be pure gibberish! all the numbers, letters, and symbols. When you come to this page, simply press Ctrl, +, F, at the same time and a search bar will pop up in the right hand upper side of your screen under your bookmarks. 
Step 4: Once the search bar pops up your going to want to type in (all one word) initialchatfriendslist. When you do that you will see a whole bunch of grouped up numbers with a -0,-1,-2, or -3 after it. Each one of those is a persons profile who has looked at your profile. 
Step 5: Open a fresh new tab, leave the tab with the gibberish and cluster of numbers up.
Step 6: Go back to the page source and copy every number but the -0,-1,-2, or -3. Then return to fresh new tab with Facebook up. 
Step 7: After your going to want to type in / and then paste the number you have copied and press enter. That will take you right to the persons profile. The first number up should be the last person that has looked at your profile. 

Here is the catch you cannot tell what time that person looked at your profile, that I know of. 

Now how awesome is that. You get a piece of mind knowing you can monitor and see who is looking at your's or your child's profile, or maybe your not a mommy and you have had issues with stalkers in the past.?  Possibly you just want to see if your crush is checking you out just as much as you check them out.? mmmmhmmm you sneaky! LOL You could also have it for the same reason I did, your SO (significant other. I will do a post on mommy abbreviations) has a sleezy, psychotic, stalker, dramatic, ex that somehow tends to know your business before you do. What ever the reason may be, I hope it helped! :) 

Here is the video to put it in visual for you. This is the same YouTube video I watched that taught me.

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