Thursday, October 15, 2015

ADHD and our natural approach plan for our son

Today our son had a child wellness check up with updated vaccines so we could get him geared up for starting preschool.

It's always been discussed at his doctor appointments is his possibility of having ADHD. At his doctor's appointments I made it clear about EVERYTHING that I was experiencing with him that made me feel uneasy. I did make sure to write behaviors and reactions as I experienced them with Kayden since his 2nd birthday (he is now almost 3 come January)

They included:

  • 2 hour tantrums.
  • Tantrums that involved violence of either himself, objects around him, or others. This involved banging his head on the floor and walls, throwing himself on the floor so hard he would bruise himself up, slapping himself, slapping others, kicking others and other objects, throwing large heavy items, locking up of his body and limbs, and biting. 
  • He could not and would not look anyone in the eyes.
  • He had what we liked to call his "anchor" item. Normally it was a screwdriver, ball, or blanket that he constantly would hold on to. If anyone was to take or touch it he would throw a tantrum. 
  • He doesn't like to be touched very much or held, and cannot sit longer then 10-15 minutes at a time.
  • He has extreme OCD with things more so size or items. What ever it is he has to line them up from small to larger and group them according to colors. 
  • His vocabulary was sounds instead of words.
  • He is so quick and easy to be distracted and runs in 100 different ways.
  • Has to touch and climb on everything he comes in contact with even if it's a window or someone else's car.
  • Screaming, squealing, and making noises uncontrollably.
I think the best thing about him and his tantrums is he does take in account when his baby sister is around and if he comes anywhere near her while he is throwing a tantrum he will get up and go to the opposite side from where she is at. Like I said he is a sweet boy, his older sister though is a different story. Mostly we have to move her to a separate room to avoid her getting caught up in his tantrums.

Here recently from the notes I took on him since his last visit (maybe around 6 or more months ago) the only thing that has changed is he will look you in the eyes pretty well and his vocabulary went from sounds to maybe 25 words at the most but the doctor saw more of him mimicking words then actually putting words together and talking to you. 

His doctor told us that now was the time to get him into see a child behavioral specialist to start being evaluated to get down to figuring out what needs to be done and course our plan of action to begin to better teach him on his level. 

His doctor told us he shows sure signs of ADHD but of course he can't be diagnoses without proper testing. 

We were told so far that he may have to be put on medication which in my perspective I am not ok with at such a young age, so our alternatives will fully be discussed at his evaluations, which I will be doing a post on to help those be more prepared about what the the testing includes exactly. For now and for a while we are going the more natural route to dealing with this, if he has it.  

So far it's cutting out as much sugars as we possible can, putting him on a strict diet, he will be having a doctor appointment every 4-6 months, and start seeing a child behavioral specialist frequently. 

Hearing about how food can actually affect behavior was mind blowing. I went on Pinterest and found these awesome sites to help guide me through.

Wish us luck, send good vibes. He starts preschool on the 26th and this will help him further. 

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