Thursday, October 15, 2015

ADHD and our natural approach plan for our son

Today our son had a child wellness check up with updated vaccines so we could get him geared up for starting preschool.

It's always been discussed at his doctor appointments is his possibility of having ADHD. At his doctor's appointments I made it clear about EVERYTHING that I was experiencing with him that made me feel uneasy. I did make sure to write behaviors and reactions as I experienced them with Kayden since his 2nd birthday (he is now almost 3 come January)

They included:

  • 2 hour tantrums.
  • Tantrums that involved violence of either himself, objects around him, or others. This involved banging his head on the floor and walls, throwing himself on the floor so hard he would bruise himself up, slapping himself, slapping others, kicking others and other objects, throwing large heavy items, locking up of his body and limbs, and biting. 
  • He could not and would not look anyone in the eyes.
  • He had what we liked to call his "anchor" item. Normally it was a screwdriver, ball, or blanket that he constantly would hold on to. If anyone was to take or touch it he would throw a tantrum. 
  • He doesn't like to be touched very much or held, and cannot sit longer then 10-15 minutes at a time.
  • He has extreme OCD with things more so size or items. What ever it is he has to line them up from small to larger and group them according to colors. 
  • His vocabulary was sounds instead of words.
  • He is so quick and easy to be distracted and runs in 100 different ways.
  • Has to touch and climb on everything he comes in contact with even if it's a window or someone else's car.
  • Screaming, squealing, and making noises uncontrollably.
I think the best thing about him and his tantrums is he does take in account when his baby sister is around and if he comes anywhere near her while he is throwing a tantrum he will get up and go to the opposite side from where she is at. Like I said he is a sweet boy, his older sister though is a different story. Mostly we have to move her to a separate room to avoid her getting caught up in his tantrums.

Here recently from the notes I took on him since his last visit (maybe around 6 or more months ago) the only thing that has changed is he will look you in the eyes pretty well and his vocabulary went from sounds to maybe 25 words at the most but the doctor saw more of him mimicking words then actually putting words together and talking to you. 

His doctor told us that now was the time to get him into see a child behavioral specialist to start being evaluated to get down to figuring out what needs to be done and course our plan of action to begin to better teach him on his level. 

His doctor told us he shows sure signs of ADHD but of course he can't be diagnoses without proper testing. 

We were told so far that he may have to be put on medication which in my perspective I am not ok with at such a young age, so our alternatives will fully be discussed at his evaluations, which I will be doing a post on to help those be more prepared about what the the testing includes exactly. For now and for a while we are going the more natural route to dealing with this, if he has it.  

So far it's cutting out as much sugars as we possible can, putting him on a strict diet, he will be having a doctor appointment every 4-6 months, and start seeing a child behavioral specialist frequently. 

Hearing about how food can actually affect behavior was mind blowing. I went on Pinterest and found these awesome sites to help guide me through.

Wish us luck, send good vibes. He starts preschool on the 26th and this will help him further. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fun Family Costume Ideas!

Hey loves,

With Halloween coming up, I know I am a huge procrastinator when it comes to getting costumes especially because we never really know what we are going as. My 5yo changes her mind on an hourly basis, and with our younger 2 they arn't old enough to really tell us.

This year we wanted to do a whole family theme. Since we are very much into DC Comics, especially with Gotham the TV Show which is my husbands absolutely #1 favorite TV Show, we are going with that theme.

For our kids Sophia is going to be Bat Girl, Kayden is going to be Batman, and Lyrix is going to be Wonder Woman.

Me and my husband are obsessed with The Joker and Harley Quinn. SOOO.... can you have any question as to what we are being for Halloween.? :D

For the mommies that are like me and have been so hectic and have yet to figure out Halloween costumes here are some great ideas and maybe even future Halloween costumes.

(From the Huffington Post)
Fred, Velma, and Pebbles
 Root Beer Float (which is adorable)
 Pirates and a Parrot 
 Snoopy and Charlie Brown
 How To Train Your Dragon
 The Incredible's 

(From Pinterest)

 Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, and Pascal
 Peter Pan Family 
 The Adams Family 
 The Wizard of Oz
 Exploring Adventurers 

Other Fantastic sites for Costumes

Don't forget to tag me in your pictures on Instagram @mrslildirty25 or tweet it to me @KieraGestl. I would love to see your creative ideas :D 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

To the man who's mad at the world...

Dear Man who is mad at the world,

           It's ok to have a bad day. It's ok to get mad. It's ok to blow off some steam. It, however, is not ok to come home from your bad day, in a bad mood, mad and take it out on your home and the people in it.

Anger is such a wasteful feeling. It tends to have you lash out at those who least deserve it. Your wife who is trying so hard to make you feel better, do what she can through your glares and your radiating hostile energy. Though you love her and would do anything for her, you have little to no control over where your anger tends to lash out. When your upset remember your wife is upset with you. When your stressed, that stressful energy not only pools out to her but the children as well.

My dear Sir, you are not the only one who has bad days, feels hurt, or gets angry. Being angry does not mean that you are pardoned from any hurtful words that seem to spill from your lips. Your wife doesn't deserve the disrespect, your children doesn't deserve to see your hostile lashes reach your ever trying wife's path.

There are so many ways to control that anger. Maybe stay out a little while longer to release the stress, go for a run, hit the gym, maybe even write it down in a hateful letter and burn it to burn all the hate you released and well, burn the evidence. You do not want that getting into the wrong hands!

Remember, Mr. Grumpy Pants... the next time your angry, before you come in contact with anyone, release the anger. Even if you don't realize it your anger can cut her with the harshest words that you yourself would have never imagined to say to her. It will push her closer to the door, closer to a life on her own. She loves you and when the world seems to be against you, she is one who will always be in your corner.

It's you and her against the world, not Her and you against each other.  Love her unconditionally when your angry, tell her your problems instead of making her feel like she is the problem, hug her even though you don't want to be touched, kiss her to keep you from saying harsh words. It will make a difference and turn your day if not life around, I assure you. Give your children the example of what a Great Man is. <3


Woman on the outside looking in.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Jewelry In Candles review

Hey loves,

I previously have bought some candles from a good friend of mine and my husband. I bought 2 candles a couple months ago and recently received some tarts so I could do this review from the awesome Jennifer Damron. Tarts are the wick-less candle squares. I have always wanted to get some and since I love Jewelry In Candles, I couldn't wait to receive these.

A little about Jewelry In Candles
Their mission is to make candles that are alternatives to Paraffin Wax candles. Candles that last longer with a great smell and eco-friendly. The candles are made with 100% soy wax that have premium fragrances that create and amazing sensational safe haven in your home.

Each candle or tart has a piece of jewelry which you get to choose from. It is safely wrapped and protected in a tiny plastic baggy which is then covered by pink tin foil. This keeps your jewelry safe and clean, ready to wear as soon as you want.

Soy vs. Paraffin 


  1. Biodegradable, non-toxic, and harmless to environment. Perfect for everyone, especially those with Children and Pets who have more worry with health concerns due to them. 
  2.  Less likely to give an allergic reaction. 
  3. Wax is safe to have contact with skin 
  4. Wax is safe to be touched while burning 
  5. Easy to clean if an accident was to occur and make a mess, it can be cleaned up with soap and water.
  6. You'll save money. Soy bean wax burns 50% longer due to burning at a lower temperature.
  7. Made from soy beans and vegetables. 
  8. Burns cleaner and purer
  9. Biodegradable which leads to reduced landfills 
  1. Contain petroleum by product, have shown to be toxic and carcinogenic. 
  2. Proven to be as dangerous when burned, as second hand tobacco smoke
  3. May lead to increased risk of cancer, neurological and behavioral deficits, and acute aggravation of existing respiratory diseases. 
  4. Emissions in the home are estimated to stick around for up to 10 hours.
  5. Some may even still use lead wicks 
  6. Non-renewable resource 
  7. Burns quickly and hotter which can easily be a fire hazard
  8. Oil based meaning once there is a spill or mess it can easily be made worse with clean up. 
  9. Derived from petroleum which is a limited resource 
  10. Soot deposits carcinogenic particle matter  
  11. Not biodegradable 
As you can see there are many health and environmental issues that come from paraffin wax candles. These are not saying that paraffin wax absolutely without a doubt leads to the horrible things, but it does increase risks of issues such as these. 

The Jewelry inside the candles

The jewelry in the candles is what makes the candles and tarts so special, of course other than the safer eco-friendly ingredients it is made from. There are even men rings in some scents. Some candles and tarts are scented to be pleasing and appealing to both men and women. 

The jewelry ranges in value from $10-$1000 or more.

Like I told you guys I have had the candles already and this was my first time with the tarts. I love them all! Especially the scents. These candles really live up to what they say they do and that is one of the best qualities I look for when it comes to buying anything! Does this product really do what it says.? YES without a doubt!
 this is the best pic I have of the necklace I received from the Clean Cotton candle which I wore all the time until I had a 5yo jewelry bandit raid my Jewelry box (taken a couple months ago)

 this was from the Caribbean Teakwood

At least try it once because once is all it takes to fall in love with these candles and tarts. No you don't have to give up on your Yankee Candles or Air Wick candles but I promise these will be just as good if not better.

The scents are enchanting, so far I have had Love Potion, Clean Cotton, and now we have had the Caribbean Teakwood. My favorite so far has been the Caribbean Teakwood. My husband and oldest child are obsessed with the Love Potion, my husband will burn both at the same time and the best thing is the scents mix beautifully! I am obsessed with these candles and tarts. I love them. I keep hinting to my hubby we need more of course we can never decide on a scent but the goal is to definitely try them all and stock up on our favorites. We were buying 2 a month until the hubby slacked on it lol he tends to forget sometimes but that is why I am here right.?

 I received a gorgeous pair of heart dangle earrings from the Love Potion candle. This is my hubby and 5yo's favorite so far.

Don't forget to check them out Jewelry In Candles sold by the amazing Jennifer Damron. Don't forget to go and like her JIC Facebook Page to get all the updates on seasonal scents and stay connected. She is such an amazing person and she will definitely make your experience with Jewelry In Candles a fantastic one. So definitely go and check her websites out, browse, and when you receive your JIC snap pics and tag me through Instagram (mrslildirty25) or Twitter (@KieraGestl) I would love to see and hear your experiences with it and see what you guys got in your candles or tarts. I always wanted to say a HUGE thank you to Jennifer for being an amazing person and letting me review these on my blog! Your the best! :)