Sunday, October 4, 2015

To the man who's mad at the world...

Dear Man who is mad at the world,

           It's ok to have a bad day. It's ok to get mad. It's ok to blow off some steam. It, however, is not ok to come home from your bad day, in a bad mood, mad and take it out on your home and the people in it.

Anger is such a wasteful feeling. It tends to have you lash out at those who least deserve it. Your wife who is trying so hard to make you feel better, do what she can through your glares and your radiating hostile energy. Though you love her and would do anything for her, you have little to no control over where your anger tends to lash out. When your upset remember your wife is upset with you. When your stressed, that stressful energy not only pools out to her but the children as well.

My dear Sir, you are not the only one who has bad days, feels hurt, or gets angry. Being angry does not mean that you are pardoned from any hurtful words that seem to spill from your lips. Your wife doesn't deserve the disrespect, your children doesn't deserve to see your hostile lashes reach your ever trying wife's path.

There are so many ways to control that anger. Maybe stay out a little while longer to release the stress, go for a run, hit the gym, maybe even write it down in a hateful letter and burn it to burn all the hate you released and well, burn the evidence. You do not want that getting into the wrong hands!

Remember, Mr. Grumpy Pants... the next time your angry, before you come in contact with anyone, release the anger. Even if you don't realize it your anger can cut her with the harshest words that you yourself would have never imagined to say to her. It will push her closer to the door, closer to a life on her own. She loves you and when the world seems to be against you, she is one who will always be in your corner.

It's you and her against the world, not Her and you against each other.  Love her unconditionally when your angry, tell her your problems instead of making her feel like she is the problem, hug her even though you don't want to be touched, kiss her to keep you from saying harsh words. It will make a difference and turn your day if not life around, I assure you. Give your children the example of what a Great Man is. <3


Woman on the outside looking in.

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