Sunday, September 13, 2015

Do it for the "Holy S**t you go hot!"

Hey loves!

Being healthy is really important. I have always been the type talked about working out and people would look at me like I am crazy and tell me "your skinny you don't need to lose anymore weight", "why would you want to work out your skin and bones", "you don't need to work out you look good the way you are".  Well I want to workout for myself. To be healthy, fell good emotionally and mentally, while looking smoking hot. I want to be someones fitspiration. I want to do it for the "holy s**t you got hot!".

Don't get me wrong you guys, I love myself. But, like a lot of people, I do things I want to tweek about my appearance. One main thing is, after 3 children my body is not what it used to be. Even back when I was skinny my body was not what I wanted it to be because I was too skinny.  I am 6' 1 in height.... yes I know I am an Amazon Woman lol. Before kids I was 125 lbs now after 3 kids I am the heaviest I have ever been non-pregnancy weight at 186 lbs.

I woke up last weekend and was tired of feeling like I would take a nap after being awake for an hour, where jogging after my kids 10 ft and I was out of breath and feeling like I was going to die and my heart was going to pound out of my chest into traffic. I set up myself some inspiration photos, inspiration quotes that I knew would make me work harder. I now have a workout goal!

My Fitspiration bodies

 my Fitspiration quotes

For more fitness motivations go and check out my Fitspiration Pinterest board here.

I got on Pinterest (which everything i find is from Pinterest lol) and found some workout routines and calendars, looked on YouTube and subscribed to fitness music play lists, and fitness videos. I don't have any equipment yet but to me that's ok I feel like I need to build up my routines! Start out slow and work my self up to eventually lifting. Yes you heard me right... lifting! Hello sexy booty by doing squats with a bar and weights! I switched everything in my house from eating ready to eat TV dinners, knorr pasta side, and eating out 4 nights a week, to all clean eating at home with fresh farmers market produce, healthy meats, protien shakes, and meal planning.

Music for working out

Here are my start out routines I have been doing this past week.

For more workouts, and challenges go and check out my Yea, I workout board. Yes lol I did name it after the LMFAO Sexy and I know it song.

Hope you guys enjoyed this post and was able to get your inspiration to start like I did or the inspiration to keep going. Its a slow processes just remember hard work pays off and your results are coming, Rome wasn't built in a day and continue to watch as I post updates on my journey to being fit, healthy, and strong <3

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